What type of research study design would you use to address that issue-what type of sampling-sampling strategy would you use?

Consider a patient centered issue you have observed recently. Formulate a research question related to that issue. Identify the independent and dependent variable, hypothesis and type of hypothesis. What type of research study design would you use to address that issue, what type of sampling or sampling strategy would you use? Defend your choices with […]

Do you agree with their findings-What would you have done differently? Are there additional experiments you would have added-What would these experiments add to the findings?

Acidic Environment Leads to ROS-Induced MAPK Signaling in Cancer Cells Think about the scientific method in order to address the following topics in your paper review: What questions were the researchers trying to answer (hypothesis)? How did they try to answer their question(s) (experiments)? What were their findings? Did it support their hypothesis? Do you […]

Would alternative measures provide clearer answers to the research questions-Are the variables used valid-reliable measures relevant to the hypothesis tested?

Journal Review General comments: Give an overall critique of the paper. What claims do the authors make? How do these claims relate to methods they have used? Do you agree with their conclusion? Introduction: Critically evaluate the background to the study. Is this information clearly presented? Are the aims of this study clear? Are the […]

What is the author(s) trying to prove-In other words, what question is the author(s) trying to answer?

Find a news story in which the author(s) presents statistics as evidence. Consider the following questions: What is the author(s) trying to prove? In other words, what question is the author(s) trying to answer? What would the null hypothesis be? What would happen if the author(s) rejected the null? What action would the author(s) take? […]

Does your classmate’s post convince you that their hypothesis should be supported? Why or why not?

Response to student post 1, Does it meet the guidelines for a good hypothesis? If not, what is missing or incorrect? How could they improve their hypothesis to make it more clear or specific? 2, Does your classmate’s post convince you that their hypothesis should be supported? Why or why not? 3, Can you think […]

What are the problems, processes,-issues you want to understand about this topic (i.e. your research questions)?

Proposal outline Literally use the document that says CRJ 715 proposal outline you can literally fill in the blanks of the information my professor wants I will copy and paste it here in the paper details so you can see it there too . 1) Research topic: 2)Title of proposal: 3)Introduction -What are the problems, […]

Why attention predicts general intelligence – what other research find says, any agreement or disagreement

(pls come up with a hypothesis related to relationship between attention and general intelligence) This will form the Introduction of a lab report: 1. define what is general intelligence 2. define what is attention 3. why attention predicts general intelligence – what other research find says, any agreement or disagreement 4. identify any missing gaps […]

Explain why REBrown gave his 3 stage hypothesis.What problem was he trying to solve?-Did he succeed?

Formation of St John’s Gospel This is a follow up to the first essay you wrote for me… 4180807282. It is the final paragraph – page 9. The Uni Prof is pleased with the essay but he has asked me to redo the final paragraph. Univ Prof Comments: need to explain why REBrown gave his […]

what do you expect the relationship between the two variables, e.g. positive/negative correlation etc.

(pls come up with a hypothesis related to relationship between attention and general intelligence) 1. define what is general intelligence 2. define what is attention 3. why attention predicts general intelligence – what other research find says, any agreement or disagreement 4. identify any missing gaps that needs to be addressed, e.g. there are mixed […]