Explain why the security of data is important when implementing an EHR.

Implementing Electronic Health Records In this writing assignment, you will be writing a one- to two-page paper explaining the implementation of electronic health records. Step 1 Reflect on your involvement with the implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) in the clinical setting (either as a practicing nurse or as a student in the clinical setting). […]

Does the US derive any benefits from remaining a member of the UN-Is the UN useless as your unclear claims?

Task: Imagine the following hypothetical scenario: you join your family around the table for a large dinner over the Thanksgiving holiday. After eating several helpings of sweet potatoes, your uncle turns to you and says: what good is the United Nations if it can’t prevent a country like Russia from invading a country like Ukraine? […]

Write a partial annual marketing plan for selling their pan to more college students living in apartments around the United States.

Hypothetical scenario: You know the owners of Handy Pan (see below video) and you would like to be on their sales and marketing team. The owners, Adam and Josh, are not currently looking to expand their team…but… they would be willing to consider you if you do the following: Write a partial annual marketing plan […]

What is own price elasticity of demand and what are the factors that determine it?

Macroeconomics 201 Lecture 3: Supply, Demand, and Equilibrium What are the assumptions behind the market demand curve? What are the assumptions behind the market supply curve? Draw a market supply curve and a market demand curve for a hypothetical widget market. Label the equilibrium price p and the equilibrium quantity q. For a hypothetical widget […]

Explain how the evaluation will be implemented, including how data will be collected and analyzed.

Part of building a culture of continuous improvement is planning, designing, and implementing effective evaluations that will provide meaningful answers. Another aspect is using the findings of the evaluation to revise programs or design new policies that will correct problems or fill in any identified gaps. In this summative assessment, you plan and design a […]

What are the negative effects of Labeling Theory? Give an example of how Labeling a person affected their life (real of hypothetical).

Labeling a person in society can be very detrimental to the development and mental health of that person. Have you ever been repeatedly accused of something that you didn’t do? What happens? you usually end up doing what you are accused of. Write a 2 page paper summarizing Labeling Theory. What are the negative effects […]

Provide an evaluative statement about the reading.

Topic: 8.1 Intercultural communication 8.2 How to Understand Intercultural Communication Question- Provide at least one question about the reading. This question should not be recall in nature (e.g., like a quiz or test question). Rather, this question should seek to further clarify theories or ideas presented in the reading. Evaluative Statement- Provide an evaluative statement […]

Describe in detail the process for determining the need for the new program, the evaluation, or the modification of this program.

Topic: How has mental illness contributed to homelessness? The research proposal will be based on the problem identified at a human/social service organization. The organization selected can be one in which you are currently employed, an agency that you have an interest in, or where you intend to someday seek employment. In your paper, Select […]

Discuss how the financial success of a project can be improved by cost planning and how the project team can impact where preventive or corrective measures are required.

COST PLANNING Investigate the criteria of what determines the success of a project. You may use a hypothetical project or one of your own choice or one which has been discussed in lectures to assist your discussion. In describing the success of the project discuss the role of the cost manager or the QS (Quantity […]

Discuss the ways that micro, meso, and macro systems overlap in relation to systems thinking

POST:Discuss the ways that micro, meso, and macro systems overlap in relation to systems thinking. 2. Provide an example of systems thinking in relation to micro, meso, or macro systems via: a brief de-identified patient scenario or nursing leadership scenario in which you are the leader (can be a hypothetical scenario)