What is a tension pneumothorax, how is it treated-Accumulation of air in the pleural spaces.

Online final exam ARDS- damage to the alveolar- capillary membrane. Lungs fill with fluid, pulmonary edema. Shortness of breath, hypoxemia, frothy sputum. High level of CO2. pH is going low- acidosis. Pneumonia- fluid in lungs and fluid is thick and hard to move out of longs. Elderly are at increased risk or pneumonia, sedentary and […]

What are the common side effects or long term effects?

Hypoxemia 1st paragraph List the name of the drugs or surgical procedures that are currently used to treat this disease. i. Make sure to describe the drug or surgical procedure. 1. How does it work? 2. What was its original intended use? 3. What are the common side effects or long term effects? 2nd paragraph […]