Discuss What feelings or reactions did you have upon learning your Implicit Association Test (IAT)?

Description **Your responses suggested a strong automatic preference for Young people over Old people.** – what my answer to test was For some people, receiving the results of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) can bring forth a level of relief or self-reinforcement. This is particularly true when one’s implicit preferences align with one’s explicit beliefs. […]

Discuss the meaning of your IAT test to you, and how that relates to two contemporary news stories as related in a major periodical (newspaper such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal or Magazine such as The Economist, The Atlantic, The New Yorke).

Description In a 3-page reflection, talk about the meaning of your IAT test to you, and how that relates to two contemporary news stories as related in a major periodical (newspaper such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal or Magazine such as The Economist, The Atlantic, The New Yorke). Use this space to […]

Discuss Were you aware of the implicit bias you had toward the characteristic you selected?

Implicit bias involves associations outside conscious awareness that leads to a negative evaluation of a person on the basis of irrelevant characteristics such as race, age or gender. The assignment is to take any one of the Implicit Association Tests (IAT) to measure attitudes and beliefs you may not know about consciously. The IAT may […]

What is the “Warren Harding Error”? According to the reading, what is it about Harding that made him so successful in political elections? Why were the voters mistaken?

Read “The Warren Harding Error” and provide a medium-paragraph length answer to each the question below (using full and complete sentences). 1. What is the “Warren Harding Error”? According to the reading, what is it about Harding that made him so successful in political elections? Why were the voters mistaken? 2. Describe how Gender IAT […]