Describe the type of materials and techniques used to create the work.

The Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso Date: 1937 Location: Tate Modern in London Topic: Current Location and provenance of work: Describe the provenance, who were the previous owners before the work arrived at its current location. I. Techniques and media Describe the type of materials and techniques used to create the work. II. Size or […]

How did the artist or designer use these elements of forms and/or content to convey spiritual meaning?

Chartres Cathedral of Notre-Dame In Chartres Cathedral of Notre-Dame (Figs. 17-4 through 17-11), light is used to convey spiritual meaning. In a 1-2 page essay, describe at least two elements of form and/or content materials, iconography, composition that use light to convey spiritual meaning. How did the artist or designer use these elements of forms […]

How does/do the film(s) use futuristic science-technology to comment on the real-world technological innovations of its moment of release?

Analysis on the movie “her” (2013) What meaning does/do the film(s) give to its iconography? In other words, if there is an alien, what does it signify to the characters and the audience?– How does/do the film(s) use futuristic science and technology to comment on the real-world technological innovations of its moment of release?– Does/do […]

Provide and discuss main interpretations about the significance of the object/s

The Sarcophagus and Death Mask of Tutankhamun (Egypt) 1 .Present the topic; general characteristics, where is it housed, who owns it, which museum or place etc? 2 .Discuss Archaeological context, if known (time and space coordinates) 3. Analysis of the object/s: MFT Material (how was it made); emphasize the material properties of the object and […]

Discuss (how the visual elements were created), style (how they appear within a certain tradition), and iconography (what they mean culturally and historically).

WHAT IS VISUAL ANALYSIS: “Visual analysis (sometimes called formal analysis) is an organized verbalization of the visual aspects of an artwork. Visual analysis usually begins by describing the formal elements that compose an image (such as line, shape, color, and texture), noting how the parts relate to one another and to the image as a […]