Determine how the control requirements under IFRS will apply to interests in associates and joint ventures and examine the impact of the reporting requirements on the comparability of financial statements.

-Evaluate the current control requirements in business combinations for filing consolidated returns under IFRS. -Speculate how the changes for reporting non-controlling (minority) interest will impact valuation. -Assess the significance of the changes reflected in IFRS 10 on reporting requirements for business combinations. -Identify problems that can be eliminated with special purpose entity reporting. -Determine how […]

Examine the impact of the current IFRS proposal for leases referred to as the “right of use” on liabilities and operating income for companies. Next, state the corresponding implications on tax deferred assets and global tax planning.

-Examine the impact of the current IFRS proposal for leases referred to as the “right of use” on liabilities and operating income for companies. Next, state the corresponding implications on tax deferred assets and global tax planning. -Analyze how the “receivable and residual” method will transform reporting requirements for lessors reporting under IFRS. Next, describe […]

Discuss the issues raised by having an apparent conflict between the application of IFRS with the benefits it provides with earnings management which is designed to avoid paying corporation tax liabilities.

Discuss the issues raised by having an apparent conflict between the application of IFRS with the benefits it provides with earnings management which is designed to avoid paying corporation tax liabilities. Consider if there is justification for allowing any form of earnings management within IFRS.