Discuss the different images, symbols, or figures of speech used in a particular poem.

well-known, published (in English and in any genre) author who has lived from 1600 C.E. to the present. The student will then write an argumentative essay concerning some of the different literary devices utilized in a work of literature from the selected author. For example, in the case of poetry, the student can discuss the […]

Develop a connection between these images and the images that are in your text as well as other readings about art. Think about what connections and comparisons with art history content you could make.

The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint you with a variety of literature available in the visual arts. This assignment includes a combination of field and bibliographic research to be summarized in a 4-6 page (a minimum of 2000 words) paper written in APA style. Field Research (I’ve already done this part. I will […]

Develop a connection between these images and the images that are in your text as well as other readings about art.

Paper detalis: The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint you with a variety of literature available in the visual arts. This assignment includes a combination of field and bibliographic research to be summarized in a 4-6 page (a minimum of 2000 words) paper written in APA style. Field Research (I’ve included many images to […]

re any of these objects, images or places emblems? What effect does the presence of an emblematic object, image or place have on our understanding of that character?Discuss

Thomas C. Foster explains that “[t]he things–the trinkets and baubles, the essentials and frills, the tools and toys–associated with a character typically reveal aspects of his personality as well as key ingredients of the story: plot, significance, idea, motif, theme” (123). Focus primarily on EITHER Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre OR Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea, and consider how the […]

Discuss contemporary media, specialization, the evidentiary power of images (and its limitations), media accessibility, the relationship between the media and everyday life, match volcanoes, and/or bread.

Write each question next to their number. 1. Comment on the attached document, giving your thoughts in one insightful paragraph. 2. Comment on contemporary media, specialization, the evidentiary power of images (and its limitations), media accessibility, the relationship between the media and everyday life, match volcanoes, and/or bread.

: How do the three worlds that Jost discusses (real, fiction, game) change our view of how we view television images? Explain.

Genre (specific form, content, technique, etc.) is usually discussed from a descriptive point of view without any connection made between types (for e.g., between a docu-drama, detective series or a variety shows). Jost contends that genres make sense due to three “worlds” that interpret images: 1) the real world – our first instinct when we […]

Create a functioning image gallery according to specification. Write developer comments to describe and explain code.

Directions Add the following media to your site. Content should be appropriate to the look, feel, and context of your site. Image Gallery (add to the Gallery page): Create an image gallery with at least three images. The images should be displayed as thumbnails that open a larger image in a pop-up window when clicked. […]

What are the advertisers actually “selling” in order to get the consumer to want their product? How do they do this? Describe the images, the voices, the music and sounds, the emotions, and the tone that help the company achieve this sell. What else do you see? What catches your eye? Why would this sell from above help them actually advertise the product they make? Both of these commercials feature something other than the product for all or most of the commercial. Will this ad campaign be successful?

What are the advertisers actually “selling” in order to get the consumer to want their product? How do they do this? Describe the images, the voices, the music and sounds, the emotions, and the tone that help the company achieve this sell. What else do you see? What catches your eye? Why would this sell […]

Compare your new version with the original.discuss the differences that you perceive as they relate to the poems meaning and descriptive images.

To better understand the importance of word choice in poetry, please select a poem by Robert Frost, preferably one of four stanzas or less. Using a thesaurus, please replace at least one word per line with one of the suggestions that the thesaurus provides. When you are finished, compare your new version with the original. […]