Discuss your informed take on what the subject matter of sociology is all about and the overall goal of sociology and the sociologist.

Discussion on the sociological perspective 1) Discuss your informed take on what the subject matter of sociology is all about and the overall goal of sociology and the sociologist. 2) Discuss the role of large-scale social forces in your life and how larger social forces have shaped your biography (i.e. the sociological imagination). 3) Post […]

How can you apply the sociological imagination to this scenario to better understand what’s happening?

Boxtown and the Pipeline What are the ethical issues presented in the reading? Is this a case of environmental racism? Why or why not? What ethical responsibility would/do you have now that you know about this situation? In other words, what would you do if you knew this was happening in your home town? What […]

how are groups and/or individuals influenced by some of the social forces we are discussing in class?

to understand how contemporary events can be examined and analyzed using sociological theories/frameworks and the sociological imagination. Explain how the article subject matter relates to and/or can be analyzed through major sociological concepts (sociological perspective, sociological imagination etc.), sociological frameworks and/or sociological theories that we have discussed in class. In the article/subject area you have […]

Do they see the positives in everything, or are they a bit more realistic?

What Will Life Be Like In 2050? Will we find solutions to the problems we face today, like poverty and homelessness? Will technology enrich our lives further or be the cause of new issues? Many young students often think about the future, and this topic allows them to let their imagination run loose. This way […]

Do they see the positives in everything, or are they a bit more realistic?

What Will Life Be Like In 2050? Will we find solutions to the problems we face today, like poverty and homelessness? Will technology enrich our lives further or be the cause of new issues? Many young students often think about the future, and this topic allows them to let their imagination run loose. This way […]

Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve – anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale.

Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve – anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution. Your essay must be between 500 and 700 words. It will be evaluated on […]

How is Alexander Pope satirizing the common manners of 18th century British society and how is “the lock” symbolic of that society’s hypocrisy?Explain

John Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel Prompt 1: Satire in the Restoration Period is instructive of the nature of moral philosophy, ideal for criticism and for the double role of pleasure and instruction, concerned to hold men responsible to a high standard of honor and reasonable behavior, supporting the need for law and order: What does […]

Discuss how giving children freedom to direct their own learning influences their education.

Description Hello, I would like help with my dissertion but I would like to be involved and included with my own research and work in the process. MODULE AIMS The aim of this module is to support students to produce a substantial piece of original written work of between 7000 and 8000 words (maximum, not […]

Discuss the idea developed by the text creator about how imagination affects an individual’s willingness to reject an uncertain future.

There are 3 topic choices (please pick one that is easiest for you to write): a) Discuss the idea developed by the text creator about the role emotional courage plays when an individual experiences separation. b) Discuss the idea developed by the text creator about how imagination affects an individual’s willingness to reject an uncertain […]