Describe their life in the big city, working on a farm, or traveling westward for an opportunity to succeed in your new land.

Topic: Unit 3 Assessment – The Immigrant Experience America’s diverse culture was built on the lives of its native people and immigrants, beginning with the early settlements of the English and continuing through the arrival of enslaved Africans to Gadsden Wharf and the primarily European immigrants to Ellis Island. Each of these groups of people […]

Justify how existing policy from two separate policy categories on the BCW support your cohesive evidence-based exercise- intervention plan for the needs of groups or individuals from the following populations: 1. Mental ill health. 2. Immigrant groups. 3. Homeless. 4. Service users with addictions

Topic: Through a service level lens, justify how existing policy from two separate policy categories on the BCW support your cohesive evidence-based exercise- intervention plan for the needs of groups or individuals from the following populations: 1. Mental ill health. 2. Immigrant groups. 3. Homeless. 4. Service users with addictions

Demonstrate the similarities and dissimilarities of each thinker and the points on which they agree or disagree

This essay will be (5-6 pgs.) and you will compare the theoretical perspectives of two Africana philosophers. You will establish the argument of both thinkers and assess the central questions and problems that both thinkers address. Your essay will clearly articulate what you think is the thesis of each essay. Demonstrate the similarities and dissimilarities […]

Discuss the role race plays in both US immigration history and US history with Native Americans. How has race mattered and/or not mattered to the treatment of immigrants in the past? Is this true for current immigrants? Now compare and contrast your answer with Native American history. 2.

Description 1. Discuss the role race plays in both US immigration history and US history with Native Americans. How has race mattered and/or not mattered to the treatment of immigrants in the past? Is this true for current immigrants? Now compare and contrast your answer with Native American history. 2. Thinking about Schaefer’s 7 responses […]

Discuss What aspect of immigrant assimilation do you think is most important?

1. What aspect of immigrant assimilation do you think is most important? In other words, if you had to develop a policy aimed at improving assimilation, would you focus on labor market assimilation, assimilation in education, getting migrants out of ethnic enclaves, improving destination country language fluency, assimilation in health, or naturalization? Briefly explain your […]

Explain how the choice to assimilate or not to assimilate can influence immigrants to redefine their identity.

Define assimilation in your own words. Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from an immigrant’s perspective. Provide an example for each. Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of assimilation from a non-immigrant’s perspective. Provide an example for each. This question is asking you to detail how non-immigrants (i.e., citizens of a country or […]

Discuss,Why is assimilation to mainstream culture encouraged? In other words, why are ethnic groups encouraged to adopt the culture of their new home rather than maintain their own cultural traditions?

What History Tells Us about Assimilation of Immigrants (Links to an external site.) How Boarding Schools Tried to ‘Kill the Indian’ Through Assimilation: Native American Tribes Are Still Seeking the Return of Their Children (Links to an external site.) Chef Marcus Samuelsson Visits Detroit’s Most Exciting Young Pastry Chef – No Passport Required (Links to an external site.) […]