Compare and contrast what the student expected to learn from the experience, and how reality differed from that expectation.

Question Students will be required to interview someone who has been an international immigrant at some point in their lives. The purpose of the interview should be to learn more about the immigrant’s feelings and lived experience. As a first suggestion, consider interviewing someone you know: Think first about your parents, grandparents or other relatives […]

What are some of the misconceptions Americans have about immigration and how it impacts cities?

Use this article : Using the material in the Palen text and the assigned web article (above), describe the current patterns in U.S. immigration and how they differ from previous waves of immigration, answer the following questions: What are some of the misconceptions Americans have about immigration and how it impacts cities? What evidence […]

What are some of the most important topics in anthropology that caught your attention? Why?

Looking back at what you learned in this course answer the following: 1. What are some of the most important topics in anthropology that caught your attention? Why? 2. How can you apply what you learned in this course in your future career and in everyday life? (Think in terms of how anthropologists study culture […]

Discuss how those immigration requirements can affect the employment of immigrants, and the economy of the host country.

Immigration Paper  Immigration has become a very important issue around the world and especially here in the U.S. Some workers arrive legally through government immigration policies, including the World Trade Organization (WTO). Some workers arrive through unofficial migration. With that as a background, address and analyze the following: Select two countries and describe their immigration […]

Is this cost effective for Amazon-Does it affect public opinion and increase sales?

1.Describe a current event, which presents a company with the opportunity to be socially responsible. Topics could include: Immigration Income Equality Food Equality Access to Technology Gender Equality Diversity Climate Change Research current events on any of the topics listed above (or others). Determine if private companies have a role to contribute to the societal […]

What are the major similarities, and what are the major differences?

Working with others, discuss the following topic: In what ways have globalization and new immigration patterns changed families? Have these changes been beneficial or detrimental to families? Interview someone of a culture different from your own using questions about child-rearing practices. You might inquire about methods of discipline, toys, games, topics discussed at the dinner […]

Which side has the strongest argument the For Proposition 187 side or the Against Proposition 187 side-Explain why you made this choice.

Discussion 6 Go to Ch. 9, document 4 beginning on p. 199 “Proposition 187 of 1994 Arguments in Favor and Against.Read the document and Answer the following questions: 1. Which side has the strongest argument the For Proposition 187 side or the Against Proposition 187 side? Explain why you made this choice. 2. What aspect […]