Is it possible that factors that correlate with crime rate changes in the United States have little utility in predicting changes in other cultures?

Criminal Justice Explaining Trends in Crime Rates Crime experts consider the explanation of crime trends one of their most important goals. Yet it is difficult to point to a single explanation for changes in the crime rate. Let’s look at a few of the most important social, ecological, and policy factors that are considered to […]

critically state the positive and negative points of the article and assess if the intended goal of the author was met

Topic: Immigration/ border security/ national security Using the APUS Online Library, select a peer-reviewed article (ARTICLE ATTACHED) that is no more than five (5) years old that interests you personally; however, it must be related to all or a combination of the following topic areas: X- National security law Homeland security laws, policies, and executive […]

Which moral factors should a country consider when deciding who can and can’t immigrate to its lands?

The Ethics of Immigration Do wealthy and freer nations have a duty to admit citizens from poorer and more oppressed countries if doing so would improve their quality of life? Why or why not? Which moral factors should a country consider when deciding who can and can’t immigrate to its lands?

Explain the human capital model, and how it affects the composition of supply and demand for labour in your selected country. (5%)

Australia – Labour Economics Essay LABOUR ECONOMICS COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT BRIEF (ESSAY MAIN) 1. This assignment will take the form of an individual essay and will contribute 100% to the overall marks for the module. 2. Your answer should be no longer than 3000 words. There is no fixed penalty for exceeding the word count, but […]

Identity confusion was referred to in Strachan’s (2019) essay on women and work; however, you can apply this concept to any of the issues from our reading.

The reading from our first two weeks of class in Cultural Engagement: A Crash Course in Contemporary Issues, covered a wide range of contemporary issues including sexuality, gender roles, abortion, reproductive technology, immigration, race, climate change, animal welfare, and politics. As you begin working on your Personal Culture and Worldview Paper Assignment, you will be […]

What connections do you see between the documentary & other course material?

Immigration video response What population issues did the documentary discuss? How did it broaden your understanding of these issues? What moments of the documentary stood out to you? Why? Were there any surprises? Anything that challenged what you know — or thought you knew? Who are the “experts” in this population issue? Are they those […]

What incentives do presidents have to act unilaterally-not act at all, and under what circumstances?

Refer to the comments from the instructor and rewrite the parts needed Prompt: In the United States presidents not only have informal policy-relevant powers such as agenda-setting and formal policy powers such as the veto, but also powers to make policy unilaterally, such as issuing an executive order.Write a paper in which you analyze the […]

What incentives do presidents have to act unilaterally or not act at all, and under what circumstances?

In the United States presidents not only have informal policy-relevant powers such as agenda-setting and formal policy powers such as the veto, but also powers to make policy unilaterally, such as issuing an executive order. Write a paper in which you analyze the role of the U.S. president in setting public policy with or without […]

What evidence would you need to collect to answer it? In order to develop your own argument, you will compare two (or more) cases in a most-similar-systems (MSS) or most-different-systems (MDS) research design.

Comparative research paper Question to write paper on: why have immigration reform laws become increasingly more pressing issues during presidential elections in the last decade? this paper should give an educated opinion/answer on this question and back it up with lots of evidence and sources. it should also compare/contrast existing opinions/articles on the question throughout […]