Describe why you have chosen this theoretical perspective and ensure you include detail on which theorist’s work is most representative.

Step 1: Using Secondary Data Use the data gathered on your chosen locality in the Week Three assignment, “Demographic Report,” and implement any feedback from your instructor into your paper. If more data is needed, use demographic data from the latest census (available online using the US Census American FactFinder (Links to an external site.)) […]

Explore the complexity around the problem (acknowledge contingency, explore what caused the problem, etc) Discuss the significance of the problem – why did this matter to subsequent events?

Identify and describe the relevant historical context – the issues, perspectives, and causal factors. How has immigration policy and the surrounding debates changed over time? Explore the complexity around the problem (acknowledge contingency, explore what caused the problem, etc) Discuss the significance of the problem – why did this matter to subsequent events?

Can freedom of association successfully explain why states should have at least a qualified moral right to set limits on immigration?Discuss

SECTION C 1. Can a robust right to freedom of speech be successfully justified by appeal to the connection between freedom of speech and democracy? 2. Can freedom of association successfully explain why states should have at least a qualified moral right to set limits on immigration? 3. “Requiring the US government to pay reparations […]

Discuss the role race plays in both US immigration history and US history with Native Americans. How has race mattered and/or not mattered to the treatment of immigrants in the past? Is this true for current immigrants? Now compare and contrast your answer with Native American history.

Description 1. Discuss the role race plays in both US immigration history and US history with Native Americans. How has race mattered and/or not mattered to the treatment of immigrants in the past? Is this true for current immigrants? Now compare and contrast your answer with Native American history. 2. Thinking about Schaefer’s 7 responses […]

What concerns may stakeholders (politicians, public, and bureaucrats) have with this type of process?

Description Hey Everyone, After dominating the last video session, I thought I would give you a break from listening to just me. Please watch the below video from Rohini Pande and Asim Khwaja. Both are associated with the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, and together, they direct the Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD). In […]

Explain the circumstances that “pushed” Jews out of Russia.  What were the “pull” characteristics to America in general and New York City more specifically?  What aspects of New York City did Rosie Freedman find attractive?

Group A:  Chapters 1 & 4 focus on immigration. 1a.  Explain the circumstances that “pushed” Jews out of Russia.  What were the “pull” characteristics to America in general and New York City more specifically?  What aspects of New York City did Rosie Freedman find attractive?

Evaluate the policy proposals of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. For the purposes of this assignment, focus only on policy changes (immigration, health care, trade policy, military spending etc…) and not on questions of institutional design and democracy (increasing voter turnout, use of media, support for the Electoral College, etc…)

1.Evaluate the policy proposals of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. For the purposes of this assignment, focus only on policy changes (immigration, health care, trade policy, military spending etc…) and not on questions of institutional design and democracy (increasing voter turnout, use of media, support for the Electoral College, etc…) 2.For each candidate, select one […]