What is identity politics-Where does the term originate-how do you understand contemporary arguments about identity politics?

Choose 2 prompt and write. (democracy, international relationship) This writing is meant to assess your knowledge and understanding of the material covered the second half of the course. Choose two of the prompts below to respond to. Make sure to answer each sub-question. Your answers to these prompts should be written as short essays with […]

Discuss about how most humanitarian interventions by the USA are excuses for imperialism and how it’s been manipulated to convince people we need to be in other countries to “save them” (i.e. intervention in cuba and yellow journalism).

writer to talk about how most humanitarian interventions by the USA are excuses for imperialism and how it’s been manipulated to convince people we need to be in other countries to “save them” (i.e. intervention in cuba and yellow journalism).

Identify the chief determinants of Japanese imperialism and explain how and why they changed during the period 1868-1937? word count is -/+ 10percent and includes the footnotes

Description Identify the chief determinants of Japanese imperialism and explain how and why they changed during the period 1868-1937? word count is -/+ 10percent and includes the footnotes – plan attached

Was European Imperialism primarily motivated by economic gain?Discuss

Pick one of the paper topics listed below and refer to the available readings in the “issue response readings” folder on google drive (NOTE: outside sources are not permitted without prior approval. This assignment is NOT a research paper): 1. Was European Imperialism primarily motivated by economic gain? 2. Did the Treaty of Versailles cause […]

Discuss How does your resistance movement/revolution/revolt use or critique nationalism and/or imperialism?

Description The second half of our course looks at nationalism and imperialism in the later nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and their long-term effects. The theme for paper 2 is resistance and rebellion. A thesis statement is one sentence that expresses the main idea of a research paper or essay, such as an expository essay or […]

How does Sen make the argument that globalization cannot be reduced to a westernization phenomenon?Explain

Global Political Economy How to Judge Globalism Questions 1.How does Sen make the argument that globalization cannot be reduced to a westernization phenomenon? 2.Why does he think it is important not to reduce globalization as merely an outgrowth of western imperialism? 3.In discussing whether globalization leads to greater inequality how does Sen argue the apologists […]

What are the effects of colonization and imperialism on indigenous cultures in Canada?

Research Paper (Sources provided) What are the effects of colonization and imperialism on indigenous cultures in Canada? A comparative essay that addresses this question by comparing Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s “Decolonizing the Mind” with a secondary source on the effects of colonization on indigenous cultures in Canada.

What are the effects of colonization and imperialism on indigenous cultures in Canada?

What are the effects of colonization and imperialism on indigenous cultures in Canada? A comparative essay that addresses this question by comparing Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s “Decolonizing the Mind” with a secondary source on the effects of colonization on indigenous cultures in Canada.