What conclusions can you draw about IR theory as it helps us to understand world politics?

International relations and historical overview of world politics Conclusions and Implications: Referring back to your completed grid, answer the following questions. You should justify and defend your answers and refer to several actual historical or current events in international politics. (2-3 pages, 1.5 spaced, 12 pt. font) What behaviour does each theory explain best? What […]

Discusses how it relates to a topic discussed in this course and clearly defines key terms?

As a final ‘project’ for this course, you will be asked to find a current event article  that ties back to a topic discussed in this course and create a PowerPoint presentation that does the following: Summarizes the current event article Discusses how it relates to a topic discussed in this course and clearly defines […]

How have companies used the idea proposed by the authors of the article?

Description Make a deep analysis of the Tesla article and answer the following questions: 1. The main message of the article 2. How have companies used the idea proposed by the authors of the article? In other words, what are the practical implications for managers, scientists, or entrepreneurs, depending on the case? Use examples from […]

Give examples of businesses in regard to the statement that has failed or/and maintained a competitive advantage in the market

Global Defend or oppose the statement: “Given the realities of today’s economy, particularly due to globalization, and the rapid changes occurring in business technology, all competitive advantages are short lived. There is no such thing as a sustainable competitive advantage that lasts over the long term.” 1. Give two examples of businesses in regard to […]