Discuss various classification of banking as per the RBI Act?

Define financial system? Explain the major component of financial system? Discuss various classification of banking as per the RBI Act? Explain the role of NBFI in Indian economy? What is financial market? Explain the money market instrument? What are the major stock market instruments? Discuss the stock market performance in India. What is financial services? […]

How did government policies and Battlefield challenges affect the Indian Wars?

Westward Expansion and Conflict with Native Americans = Seshsha Henderson – sha How did government policies and Battlefield challenges affect the Indian Wars? What changes occurred in federal Indian policies by 1900? Why were Indian treaties often unsuccessful? a How did the Ghost Dance lead to a tragic conflict at Wounded Knee? Attempts to Change […]

discuss what actions and policies of the Democratic-Republican presidents, 1800–1824, laid the groundwork for Jackson’s breakaway movement?

During the Jackson period the people were truly sovereign and could do no wrong. His presidential victory in 1828, his actions as president, and the great political party that formed around him refashioned national politics in a more democratic mold. But before there was the Jacksonian Era politics was dominated by the Democratic-Republicans.Answer and discuss […]

What are the major philosophical differences in the ways the legal scholars interpret the language of the Second Amendment?

This research paper should be around seven hundred words (not counting the Works Cited page), but please focus on content rather than on length. The paper should have at least four sources. Each of them should be cited at least once in the body of the paper, and all four should be listed on the […]

Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him.

Social Innovation and Leadership What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him. In the Indian corporate culture how is it that a culture of social innovation can be devoleped. […]

Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization-leaders like him.

Social Innovation and Leadership What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him. In the Indian corporate culture how is it that a culture of social innovation can be devoleped. […]

Do challenging economic contexts breed informal business practices? Some insights from country.

Do challenging economic contexts breed informal business practices? Some insights from country. The paper seeks to be the basis for the framework of businesses in developing economies using practices frowned upon in the western world, but that have a basis in the community centric cultures of most developing countries. for example, hiring a relative should […]