What do you consider to be the most important aspect of the UN framework that would assist in overcoming the major problems faced by the Indigenous Australians?

Using the UN Indigenous Peoples’ rights framework, evaluate the Australian Government’s approach to the Indigenous Australians. What do you consider to be the most important aspect of the UN framework that would assist in overcoming the major problems faced by the Indigenous Australians?

How this issue is connected to health outcomes for Indigenous Peoples

TRC CALLS TO ACTION 61 1. The history of the issue 2. How this issue is connected to health outcomes for Indigenous Peoples 3. What has occurred to date regarding this Call to Action 4. What work still needs to be done 5. A reflection regarding how this knowledge can/will impact your practice as a […]

which cultural dance in this unit is the most striking example of celebration and/or suppression?

Americas Unit Paper Prompt: “Indigenous people, enslaved people, and economically disadvantaged people often have elements of their culture outlawed or appropriated by national governments. For you, which cultural dance in this unit is the most striking example of celebration and/or suppression? Describe why you feel this way?”

Why didn’t the Indigenous people of the Paso del Norte rebel against the Spanish when they arrived? Why did they allow them to establish missions and colonies among them?

Paper details: Why didn’t the Indigenous people of the Paso del Norte rebel against the Spanish when they arrived? Why did they allow them to establish missions and colonies among them? The uploaded file was given to me by my professor that could be helpful to answer the question. You may use any other sources […]

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the historical and contemporary relationships between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples and cultures by discussing the theories and concepts of colonialism, post-colonialism, autonomy, participatory methods and self-determination.

Resources: Please refer to weekly readings for specific resources related to these essay themes. Students are encouraged to start your research early on by referring to the set readings and additional resources listed in the course outline. Keep in mind though that it is not compulsory for students to utilise these resources. In fact, students […]

Discuss on what you have learnt so far in this subject, choosing examples from the government, Indigenous, business, or personal recordkeeping contexts to illustrate your discussion.

For weeks 2-6, compile a journal entry of around 300 words each week (making a total of 1500 words). Your entries should respond to the questions at the end of each module. In doing so, they should reflect upon what you have learnt through the study material in the modules, your other reading and forum […]