Do you need to order any of your rules with respect to each other? Explain.

Phonological Analysis of each Alternation in Tagalog from the data below. Tagalog (Indonesian, Philippines) has two derivational suffixes -in and -an. These suffixes induce various alternations in the roots, as exemplified by the following data. Propose an analysis to account for the alternations illustrated by these data. Do you need to order any of your […]

What do these compositions tell us about musical adaptability in both traditions?

Evaluation of Gamelan/Western Hybrid Compositions Listen to the Chapter 7 Spotify tracks 19, 23, 25, and 26 (see embedded playlist below). Write an essay two paragraphs long (200-250 words each) analyzing these tracks in a critical, objective way. These tracks are gamelan/western “hybrid” compositions, meaning they combine musical elements found in both traditions. Here are […]