Explain how three of the following elements can affect estimate of loss reserve.

Assignment Question(s):     Q1. Structures of insurance companies’ financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statements) vary than structures the non insurance organization due to the unique features of the insurance companies. Give a sample of the structures for any selected Saudi insurance company’ financial statements and explain the rational for classifying balance […]

How would you describe the trend of CPI from January 2019 to July 2022?

Inflation has been running high in recent months. According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), “The Labor Department on Wednesday [August 10, 2022] said the consumer-price index, a measure of what consumers pay for goods and services, rose 8.5% in July from the same month a year earlier, down from 9.1% in June. June marked […]

How does the cost of living in your peers’ state compare to the state you have selected?

Inflation and Cost of Living In this discussion you will expand on your understanding of inflation and its impact on cost of living by comparing the cost of living in two states. In your initial post, ou will reflect on how these two key economic indicators affect your own life by responding to the following: […]

What happens to market-clearing, or equilibrium, interest rates in a capital market when the demand for funds declines?

What role do interest rates play in allocating capital to different potential borrowers? What happens to market-clearing, or equilibrium, interest rates in a capital market when the demand for funds declines? What happens when expected inflation increases or decreases? How does the price of capital tend to change during a boom or a recession? How […]

When the Fed makes an open market purchase of government securities, the quantity of money will eventually decrease by a fraction of the initial change in the monetary base.” Is the previous statement correct or incorrect? Explain your answer.

Money, Money, Money Submit a 4- to 5-page paper that addresses the following questions. Be sure to use references within the paper to support your answers. Are credit cards or debit cards money? Explain your answer. “When the Fed makes an open market purchase of government securities, the quantity of money will eventually decrease by […]

Do your best to explain each recommendation as straightforward & understandably as possible.

How To Protect Your Money From Inflation Inflation has greatly been on the rise over the past few months, and even more so recently with the current Russian Oil Ban and increasing prices of gasoline. Give 4 of the best options people can take in order to start protecting themselves and their money against rising […]

How does your life, career, choices, obligations compare to those of your parents-grandparents?

Sociological Imagination C. Wright Mills coined the phase “the Sociolocal Imagination” and discussed it as helping us understand “the Intersection of Biography and History”. This is powerful stuff! The understanding of our individual lives within the context of large historical, social and economic factors. Here we are in 2021/22, in the midst of the first […]

Write an initial post in which you explain the relationship between TIPS and the consumer price index.

Discussion 6-1 Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities In two to three paragraphs. Inflation-linked bonds, also known as treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS), are used to protect against inflation. A good understanding of TIPS is necessary for capitalizing on market opportunities. Once you have read the chapters assigned for this module, write an initial post in which you explain […]