Describe their views on how their role affects patient safety and improves the quality of patient care.

Informatics in the Clinical Setting Conduct an interview with someone in an informatics role in a clinical setting. Role description and education level required for the role. Describe their views on how their role affects patient safety and improves the quality of patient care. Describe the human factors faced in the role and other challenges. […]

what is one example of an available tool that you believe may support your access to healthcare?

Reflection 1 – Defining Health Informatics View the following TEDx talk on Data Driven Healthcare (13 minutes): Define health informatics in your OWN WORDS, and explain how health informatics is used to deliver healthcare services. After watching the video above (Data Driven Healthcare), do you believe healthcare is too personal to be put on […]

What do you plan to achieve in this course-How did you feel your competency level was compared to the assessment?

WEEK1. NR-512 Reflect on your own practice. Discuss how informatics is used in your practice. What is your primary area where you would use informatics? From completing the Pre- tanic tiger assessment for this week, what do you plan to achieve in this course? How did you feel your competency level was compared to the […]

Discuss the relationship between accreditation decisions, reimbursement, quality of care, informatics.

Most people remember the story below that made national headlines. As most Americans have smartphones, tablets, and computers the utilization of social media is commonplace. Finley, T. (2017, Sept. 20). Navy hospital removes staffers for calling babies ‘mini Satan’s’ on social media. Parenting. If you were writing a hospital policy on smartphone and social media […]