Describe how this controversial issue could affect your future teaching practices-how it could affect your future students.

Social Injustice and Cultural Identifiers Research Essay Describe the cultural identifier and why you chose it. Explain your connection to your choice of cultural identifiers. Summarize the key historical events that have significantly affected your specific cultural identifier. Summarize the topic in context of K-12 education, including the related cultural identifier and any associated controversies. […]

Explain who or what structure within society causes the injustice. Was this injustice created as a result of legislation? Economic structure? Why is the injustice caused? Is there a benefit (economic, political?) to the perpetrators of this injustice?

Step one: Pick a topic. You can choose whatever injustice interests you in some way. Maybe it’s something you know of, but don’t know why it happens, or something we have looked at in class. Your topic should also be narrow – for example picking a topic like “racism” would be too broad. Add detail […]

Describe the personal characteristics that equip you for this field and thoroughly outline the professional and personal experiences that have inspired you to pursue social work.

Social Work Profession In your own words, explain your understanding of the social work profession. Describe the personal characteristics that equip you for this field and thoroughly outline the professional and personal experiences that have inspired you to pursue social work. Your response to this question should be no more than 500 words. Advocating for […]

Discuss what is an important public health issue related to injustice?

what is an important public health issue related to injustice? For this assignment choose an issue in public health for exploration. You may select your issue from parts II and III of Levy and Sidel’s Social Injustice where you may focus on a specific population or a specific aspect of public health. Your assignment will […]

Discuss the implications of what you learned about environmental injustice in siting of hog ILOs from the article and your own results.

Answer from the Required Information the parts that are highlighted in blue. . An explanation of the meaning of income or race to health in the context of North Carolina, as well as potential meanings of income and race to swine ILO siting decisions. For instance, consider access to health-promoting resources, land-use policy, historical context, […]

Discuss.What does voting have to do with social work? How can voting be considered social work?

Question 1 – Generalist Practice and Voting (1/2 page) What does voting have to do with social work? How can voting be considered social work? Question 2 – Underrepresentation in Voting (1/2 page) BLM’s #WhatMatters2020, at  “aims to vigorously engage underrepresented communities in the electoral process.” According to #WhatMatters2020, which groups are underrepresented in the […]

Discuss how the group affected is victim of environmental injustice, and present main health risks that may be associated with the injustice.

Environemntal Justice short paper After doing some research about an environmental injustice/racism of you choice, write a short (1.5 pages, 12 pts, single space) paper presenting the issue at end. After summarizing the issue, and presenting the stakeholders, make sure you present and justify how the group affected is victim of environmental injustice, and present […]