Write a part about the effect of divestitures on R&D intensity/ innovation of the firm.

Topic: Divestitures and the effect on R&D intensity/ innovation of selling firm Write a part about the effect of divestitures on R&D intensity/ innovation of the firm. For example: is a firm going to invest more in R&D when they did a divestiture or are they having more innovations after divestiture. That kind of things. […]

Discuss why you would consider those two innovations as important to the future of your organization and how your stakeholders could benefit from them.

Step 1: Consider this scenario: You are in a decision-making position at an organization. For instance, depending on your professional background and current or future area of interest, you can be a hospital or public health administrator, etc. Step 2: Read the following articles and choose two medical technological innovations. In your essay, you will […]

How do you describe your position to someone who knows nothing about your industry? Describe the working environment at Amazon.

Tell me a little bit about your career and how you ended up in the position you are in today What did you major in at college? What is your role/title? How do you describe your position to someone who knows nothing about your industry? Describe the working environment at Amazon. How does your company […]

Choose one area of specialist adult nursing practice. Critically evaluate nursing care innovations and specialist nursing roles taking into account contemporary local, national and international influences affecting your chosen area.

Choose one area of specialist adult nursing practice. Critically evaluate nursing care innovations and specialist nursing roles taking into account contemporary local, national and international influences affecting your chosen area. Assessing the 3 Learning Outcomes showed on the paper and followed the Guidelines.

Examine the social consequences of one such innovation and describe how this innovation has either increased or decreased social justice and inequality in the U.S.

Consider technological innovations and developments in your field or other fields and address both of the following questions. First, examine the social consequences of one such innovation and describe how this innovation has either increased or decreased social justice and inequality in the U.S. Then, discuss whether and/or how this will influence constructive and deconstructive […]

Compare and contrast Schilling’s description of the sequential and partly parallel product development processes with the “design thinking” process advocated by Tim Brown in week 3 and Keeley’s principles and tactics for bringing innovations to market (Keeley, chapter 24)

Compare and contrast Schilling’s description of the sequential and partly parallel product development processes with the “design thinking” process advocated by Tim Brown in week 3 and Keeley’s principles and tactics for bringing innovations to market (Keeley, chapter 24) Your post must be between 250 and 350 words in length

What societal changes encouraged more interest and investment in science and how did they come about? What new findings emerged and how did societies transform new scientific knowledge into innovations and new technologies in this era? How did the experiences of Galileo and Newton demonstrate the changes?

Topic: tech history unit 5 discussion Paper details: What societal changes encouraged more interest and investment in science and how did they come about? What new findings emerged and how did societies transform new scientific knowledge into innovations and new technologies in this era? How did the experiences of Galileo and Newton demonstrate the changes?

What major innovations do you feel impacted college football through the years?Explain.

What major innovations do you feel impacted college football through the years? When the forward pass was introduced just into the 20th century, it revolutionized the game. Consider the implementation of 11-man squads to the sport. Additionally, consider the integration of major college football, along with major network broadcasts and the amount of money it […]

Explain what challenges the Continental Army and militia faced.

A Soldier’s Reflections You are a Continental soldier in George Washington’s army. It is early October 1781, and you are with the army in Virginia outside of Yorktown. A British army is trapped between a French army, Washington’s forces, and a French fleet in the Bay. General Charles (Lord) Cornwallis and his British troops are […]

What innovations have created the new and emerging media that you use today?

Paper details: In a 750-1,000 word paper (typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, using MLA or APA in-text citations (Note: the word limit does not include your separate bibliography for the paper), think about the following assignment. What innovations have created the new and emerging media that you use today? Pick one possible innovation […]