-How are your thoughts and beliefs about your college education and/or future career shaped by your cultural background?

This activity provides an opportunity to reflect on the role that your cultural background may play in shaping or influencing your cognitions (knowledge, thoughts, and beliefs). 1-How would you define your cultural background? What would you say are the cultures that have had the most profound influences on who you are today? [Write a minimum […]

Explain how you would measure if the message was successful (because what is the point if it isn’t successful?).

Preparation Find a company’s post on a social media platform. Paste the link to the post or a picture of the post and answer the questions below: For Discussion Explain/analyze why this social media channel (e.g. Instagram vs Facebook) is the right one for the message. Explain how you would measure if the message was […]

Did message achieve the intended effects-mental? physical? emotional? Was message ethical?

Textbook: Communication in the Real World by by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing through the eLearning Support. Read Chapters 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 choose one or two concepts within the chapter(s) and think about how these concepts apply to everyday life. Part 1. Begin your entry with a brief introduction describing the concept(s) you […]

Who are the influencers you will employ and why you selected them?

In this project, you will work as a group to provide social media consulting. You own a Social Media consulting company, and your company has been selected to work with a new Saudi B2C organization (business or non-profit) of your choice (select a business of any industry). The selected business has decided to launch a […]

What visual techniques could help influence and persuade potential clients to choose your organization.

Scenario The company you work for uses numerous mediums to communicate to current clients, potential clients, and vendors, including direct mailings and email. However, you have noticed that the social media presence of your organization is minimal. Though you’re new to the company, you’ve helped your previous employers produce effective communication strategies to increase clientele. […]

How does the author use ethos-based strategies to build trust with the audience?

QUESTIONS ABOUT GENRE What is the genre of the text? In other words, what would you call this text (i.e. a textbook chapter, an Instagram post, a peer comment to an assignment, a newspaper article, a poem, etc.)? QUESTIONS ABOUT AUDIENCE What is the audience for each text? In other words, for whom, specifically, was […]

What is the geographic location of your target market – is it a certain mile radius around your location, regional, national, etc.?

Mini Business Plan Assessment Background: A huge number of successful businesses–such as Apple, The Cheesecake Factory, and Amazon–were built around the personal passions of their founders. Consider your own personal passions. What do you love to do? What are you great at doing? Can you shape any of your interests into a business opportunity? Be […]

What are their forms of engagement-What can you learn from their behaviour using social media profiles analysis tools and techniques?

Search and Social Media Marketing (SSMM) Professional Digital Brand Can you do this parts ? Analysis • This should include identification of at least three main social media trends during this Covid19 pandemic, providing narrative on notable changes to consumer behaviour by analysing the benefits, problems and challenges faced by businesses in using various social […]

Do you buy into this notion of blurred lines between professional and personal-Could this “blurring” be both problematical and advantageous-Explain.

300 words Introduction If we look at the manner in which we communicate, the lines between what represented “personal” communication and what represented “professional” communication were clearer until recently (from an historical perspective). The gravitation toward online communication began to blur them somewhat, and then that was exacerbated by the shift toward social media, as […]