How do you think that the knowledge of this class will help you in your professional career?

One of the most important parts of professional development in any field is honest self-reflection. Before the end of class, let’s reflect on that what you learned and how you can use it. Take a few moments to address the following questions about the class and the information you learned. The class objective has been […]

1—x4 J ,c4(1+x2+x4)dx, Does it give you an elementary antiderivative? How do you know?

Problem 3. A. (5 points) (a) Try using Wolfram Alpha to solve the integral, 1—x4 J ,c4(1+x2+x4)dx, Does it give you an elementary antiderivative? How do you know? (b) Use a substitution of the form u = xk + X-k (for some positive integer k) to solve the integral j..ilFx4(1+x2+x4) (HINT: After your substitution, you […]

Describe your previous experiences working with sources and integrating them into your writing. Is this something you have a lot of practice with or something that you have little/no experience with? How comfortable do you feel working with different texts and then integrating them into your writing?

First read “Annoying Ways People Use Sources” by Kyle Stedman. Then, respond to the following three prompts. The total word count for your written response should be at least 400 words. 1. Kyle Stedman lists 6 specific annoyances. Choose 3 of them to explain in your own words. Then, describe which of these three you […]

Choose two ways that organizations have changed over the years and provide a past to current summary, integrating theory and personal perspectives

Choose two ways that organizations have changed over the years and provide a past to current summary, integrating theory and personal perspectives. Your discussion should include any of the previous chapter concepts, including the readings from this week.Textbook Readings: • Merida: Entire Textbook o Merida, T. (2015). Christ-centered exposition: Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 […]