How much time will they spend with you? Will they allow you to observe them in a treatment session-Will you visit them once or can you meet with them several times?

You will be required to submit a 1-page summary discussing the process of researching CIM(complementary and integrative medicine.) practitioners in your area, reaching out to them, and reporting on who you were able to make contact with. What was your initial impression of the practitioner you will be interviewing? Be sure to include what your […]

How you, in the provider role would approach this situation? Elaborate on PABA and coumadin interaction with Gingko.

Q/A Assignment Integrative Medicine  You get a call from Dr. Bobby, a board-certified Naturopathic doctor licensed in NH. He is concerned about Ms. Alexander, a 51-year-old patient of his. She told him she self-started Ginkgo supplements when he had already been giving her PABA. You are Alexander’s Primary provider and have recently diagnosed a DVT […]