Explain components of multidimensional nursing care for clients with musculoskeletal disorders.

Areas for reflection: Describe how you achieved each course competency including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to that competency. Describe how this new knowledge will impact your nursing practice. Course Competencies Apply strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing basic care and comfort for clients. Select appropriate nursing interventions […]

Identify one function of the integumentary system you feel is the most important and why.

Consider the integumentary system in detail. Explain the structures of this system that qualifies it to be termed a system. Identify one function of the integumentary system you feel is the most important and why. Hypothesize that the function you identified ceased to function how would homeostasis be impacted?

Describe the pathogenesis of osteoporosis and explain why it is considered a multifactorial disease.

1.What is the functional relationship between the integumentary and skeletal systems? 2.How does failure to maintain homeostasis in the integumentary system affect bone formation and remodeling processes? Be sure to discuss how the different types of bone cells respond to different factors (e.g., ions, hormones, cellular signaling molecules, etc.) and what the driving force behind […]