What does sociology bring to the table that differs from people’s everyday social-cultural assumptions?

Identify a sociologically relevant topic or problem of your choosing. For your final project, you must link that topic/problem to the wide range of tools of sociological thought you have learned this semester in a presentation (e.g., PowerPoint) or written review. Your project must substantially fulfill the following requirements: Give a background of the topic […]

Briefly explain where you think that theory misses the point or goes wrong in how it explains the social world.

LU 1 writing assignment 1. Select one of the three classic theories – function, conflict or symbolic interactionism. Use that theory to explain sports as a fact of social life in the United States. Remember you are to think sociologically. 2. Each of the theories has flaws. Choose one of the theories and briefly explain […]

Write 1,000-1,500 words explaining how each of the two theories that you chose would explain the current event and making an argument for which of the two theories you think provides the best explanation for the event.

1. Choose an article from a newspaper, magazine, or news website that was published on or after September 1, 2021. oThe article must be about a current event. oThe event can be happening anywhere in the worldoThe article can come from an international news source as long as it is written in English.oPick something that […]