Where does your cultural orientation fall on the individualism–collectivism spectrum?

Weekly Discussion Question Directions This week we went over chapter two: intercultural communication and chapter seven: listening. Based on either chapter answer the following questions: (MAKE SURE TO ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS) In today’s connected world, communication between members of different cultures and co-cultures is common. What intercultural encounters do you experience? What challenges and rewards […]

What are the advantages of the “culture-general” approach to the study of intercultural communication over the “culture-specific” method?

Communication Which ten words do you believe best describe your culture? What are the advantages of the “culture-general” approach to the study of intercultural communication over the “culture-specific” method? List ten communication characteristics that you would like to develop if you were selected to visit another country as an exchange student. Can you give an […]

Create a 2-page informational brochure/guide that is devoted to introducing the concepts of emotional intelligence, cultural competence, and communication

Emotional Intelligence and Intercultural Communication Create a 2-page informational brochure/guide that is devoted to introducing the concepts of emotional intelligence, cultural competence, and communication. Your informational brochure/guide should: Introduce the designated topic and present key points including: Define emotional intelligence (E.I.). Explain how E.I. can be helpful to the Human Ser vices Professional. Explain the […]

What are some common misconceptions regarding human communication?

Communication and culture Explain what is meant by the statement “In studying other cultures, we do so very often from the perspective of our own culture.” Explain how and why communication and culture are linked. Why is it said that much of culture is invisible? Explain what is meant by the phrase “Communication is contextual.” […]

Provide an evaluative statement about the reading.

Topic: 8.1 Intercultural communication 8.2 How to Understand Intercultural Communication Question- Provide at least one question about the reading. This question should not be recall in nature (e.g., like a quiz or test question). Rather, this question should seek to further clarify theories or ideas presented in the reading. Evaluative Statement- Provide an evaluative statement […]

What does it mean for you to be a competent intercultural communicator?

Chap 7 Blog Reply to student 1) What does it mean for you to be a competent intercultural communicator? Discuss and provide concrete examples to illustrate the approach(es) you are engaging with in your response. 2) How can you use your knowledge about Intercultural Communication to work toward peaceful interactions with members of different ethnic/religious, […]

Explain and evaluate different views on how high and low Power Distance impact the way we work.

Intercultural Management in Business • Explain and evaluate different views on how high and low Power Distance impact the way we work. (HINT: related to business practices, employees, how we use them, how things are done at work. Choose 3 countries to compare.) • Explain and evaluate how persuasion styles differ in your country. (HINT: […]

Discuss the role of home and host culture differences in foreign students’ intercultural communicative experiences while studying abroad.

The topic is : Discuss the role of home and host culture differences in foreign students’ intercultural communicative experiences while studying abroad. Make sure to write academically and make sure the sources are academical and not just from google Make sure to stay on topic of the thesis and NOT anything else And make sure […]

Why do we need to learn how to work as a team with people of different cultures? use your firsthand experiences or observation in your own professional or working relationships.

M1 presentation Part 1 Importance of Intercultural Communication in Personal, Social and Political Life (Chapter 1, 300 words minimum) Q1.Read the assigned chapter, and summarize and review your reading.Be specific with the key notions and their page numbers. How would you state the importance of intercultural communication? In other words, your response should prove that […]

Which intercultural communication competencies do you need to develop further in yourself? Why? How?

Analysis Questions: a) Which are three key intercultural communication challenges in this team? b) Which elements of effective global remote team management are present and absent? c) Map out the values patterns (similarities and differences) between the team members, between the current leader team, and yourself. Action Plan: If you were the leader of this […]