How could the plan be managed to ensure that resources were not wasted?

For this assessment you will create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment. As a current or future nurse leader, you may be called upon to present to stakeholders and leadership about projects that […]

Identify the main steps in a system selection process and describe the three categories of systems evaluation criteria and explain why each is important.

Identify the main steps in a system selection process and describe the three categories of systems evaluation criteria and explain why each is important. Once you explain the steps leading up to the implementation phase, explain the approach you would take to ensure interdisciplinary cooperation and coordination in systems implementation. Two thirds of your paper […]

What are the relevant elements of the disciplinary perspectives that will be important to your project?

Topic: Transhumanism. Try to come up with some guiding questions for your project to direct the focus. Remember that you are not attempting to answer the guiding questions, but rather to demonstrate how one might approach doing an interdisciplinary research project on the topic. Requirements: The final paper should be about 5-pages (double-spaced) and must […]

Discuss how nurses today communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams and how this supports safer and more effective client outcomes.

Contemporary Nursing Practice The field of nursing has changed over time. In a 750‐1,000-word paper, discuss nursing practice today by addressing the following: Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual. Compare the differentiated practice competencies between an […]

How do they help you understand the problem or issue-Why are they good sources?

You will write a 500-750 word essay in which you will: 1. Select a topic relevant to the COVID pandemic (access to health care, economic inequality, the global context of the pandemic, racial and ethnic disparities in contraction rate or access to the vaccine, political decision-making and leadership, etc). 2. Provide at least three scholarly […]

What concepts or ideas in each did you find useful and why?

Topic: Mental Health Treatment for the incarcerated The paper should begin with an introduction. Identify the current social issue. Why did you choose this issue? Flow does it affect you, your community, your country, or the world? [CO 4] identify the two social science disciplines you chose to use to examine this issue. Why did […]

What is an integrated or interdisciplinary curriculum-How does it apply to elementary education?

CHAPTER 1  Interdisciplinary Nature of Elementary  Education “Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” – John Cotton Dana What is an integrated or interdisciplinary curriculum? How does it apply to elementary education? Is there more than one way to integrate different disciplines? In this chapter you will explore different definitions of interdisciplinary curriculum […]

Describe collaborative approaches from the literature that could be relevant in establishing or improving an interdisciplinary team to address an organizational issue.

Topic: Interview and interdisciplinary issue identification Summarize an interview focused on past or current issues at a health care organization. Notes strategies employed in the interview to ensure that sufficient information was gathered. Identify an issue from an interview for which an evidence-based interdisciplinary approach would be appropriate, providing one or more specific reasons to […]

Explain how nursing practice has changed over time-how this evolution has changed the scope of practice-the approach to treating the individual.

Assessment Description The field of nursing has changed over time. In a 750‐1,000 word paper, discuss nursing practice today by addressing the following: 1. Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual. 2. Compare and contrast the differentiated […]