What insights can individuals in the field of the social and behavioral sciences lend to economic and political policy makers to address this issue?

NOTE: Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Consider how cyber communication affects people on a larger scale. Many people default to assuming that new technologies have facilitated globalization and the sense of having the whole world at one’s fingertips. That said, some research indicates that serious digital divides remain across the […]

Describe how you generally use your cellphone on a daily basis (including with whom do you communicate for what purpose with what frequency,

Chapter 15 discusses the various communication media and technology and how they impact our communication. In this forum, you will evaluate your own use of communication technology and its impacts in your life. Before you post here, make sure you read the supplemental reading: Does the Internet Make You More or Less Connected? and watch […]

Are there any liabilities to Jamal-the employer from his actions? Why-why not?

Unit 3 – Discussion Board Business Law This week you will learn about Social Media and the liabilities and risks from a legal perspective. Social media is defined as electronic communication (including the Internet or network systems) where participants communicate and share ideas, information, personal messages and other content (i.e., music or videos). A common […]

What does this statement about death say about what is important to you in life? Are you “living up” to your obituary

End of life Perspectives Part 1 Over the past 2 months, we’ve addressed many issues and topics related to End of Life Issues and Perspectives. We have seen how many aspects of death and dying vary across time and across cultures. Technology plays an important role in these changes. Based on this week’s Learning Resources, […]

How would you relate the metaphor of playing a musical instrument (found in chapter 1) and other metaphors (such as learning to play golf) to that of learning to be an administrator?

Administration of Organizations in Criminal Justice Write a narrative essay (minimum 1500 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least four scholarly sources and remember to Cite your sources in APA format. 1. A challenge for public administration in the 21st century is to recognize the relevance […]

Describe what happened-how it relates to what you have learned about the dangers of fire in the.

Conduct research on the internet or the library to locate a real-life case of an OR fire that has occurred. Share that article/video (links must be working) in your initial post, so your classmates can watch or read the details and then comment. Describe what happened and how it relates to what you have learned […]

Which of the websites is most effective with increasing self-esteem in middle childhood children? Why?

Search the Internet for websites that address middle childhood self-esteem and self-concept building for children. Locate at least three websites to compare and contrast. Then answer the following questions: Which of the websites is most effective with increasing self-esteem in middle childhood children? Why? Which activities on the website would be most beneficial or most […]

What was the initial critical reception-Did opinions of the book change over time-At what point was the book most popular

Revisit the ‘Exercises’ section at the end of Section 3.3: Books and the Development of U.S. Popular Culture in your textbook. – link: https://open.lib.umn.edu/mediaandculture/chapter/3-3-books-and-the-development-of-u-s-popular-culture/ For this essay, you will investigate the impact of books on U.S. culture. Consider a novel or book from any era in U.S. history that made an impression on you. Research […]

How does this issue affect companies-specifically, HR practices?

Write a short reflective paper (this means 2-3 pages of content) in APA format using the following attachments to answer the following questions: How does this issue affect companies and, specifically, HR practices? Conduct your own research and consider the effects not just on the act of recruiting talent but also the pay and benefits […]

Describe the behaviors-activities which illustrate personality differences-Do you see these personality differences lead to difference choices of college majors?

Research and write a one-page paper on each questions below. Main Question 1: What personality differences do you see between you and one of your sisters/brothers/ or cousins? Describe the behaviors and activities which illustrate personality differences. Do you see these personality differences lead to difference choices of college majors? Question 2. Apply in Management […]