Would you share the content-credentials of each individual with others as credible sources-How are value, power-social capital created in each platform?

Search the Internet for a blog search engine of your choice.Locate one blog that focuses on one of the following topics: Social media and happiness Social media and fear of missing out (FOMO) Social media and self Social media and loneliness Review the blog post and the broader blog site. Review “Evaluating Web Resources: Evaluating […]

Discuss your opinion if Twitter contributes towards the creation of public sphere?-what are the limits of political communication on Twitter?

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: In the Social Media book -In Chapter 4, discuss how social media has influenced conception of communication power? Also, discuss media Power. -in Chapter 8, discuss your opinion if Twitter contributes towards the creation of public sphere? Also, what are the limits of political communication […]

Discuss the Freedom of Information and Public Access (FOIA) law, its history-identify how it applies to fire prevention activities-records.

Week 6 Using the internet as well as professional journals, articles and other academically recognized sources, discuss the following in this week discussion: Discuss the Freedom of Information and Public Access (FOIA) law, its history, and identify how it applies to fire prevention activities and records.

What are the main principles of project management-How long has project management been practiced?

Conduct a literature review (library and Internet) on Project Management and include all that you can find on that subject in the current professional and pedagogical literature. What are the main principles of project management? How long has project management been practiced? What industries is project management widely used? Is project management consistent globally?   […]

What legal policies should be in place for the prevention, apprehension, and prosecution of cybercrimes?

10Questions based on the Documentary_Cyber Threats Is crime possible on the Internet? What are computer crimes or cybercrimes? What are examples of common misdemeanors on the Internet? What is the reach of cybercrimes? What legal policies should be in place for the prevention, apprehension, and prosecution of cybercrimes? What is being done to prevent and/or […]

What are some of the emerging threats-how could they potentially manifest themselves?

The Future of IoT Read “The Internet of Things (IoT): An Overview (https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/IF11239.pdf). Then prepare a 1,000-word paper that substantively addresses the following: As a future security or emergency professional, how do you believe IoT devices will be impacting our profession in the near future? What are some of the emerging threats and how could […]

What are the means by which “used” products (e.g., Lady Gaga CDs) are distributed-How is the channel different than for new products?-is it different?

To the best of your ability (using your textbook and Internet sources as your guide), consider the distribution channel of each of these products from their original source of manufacture to the place where the final consumer would purchase and/or consume them. Assume we visited each product at every stage throughout the distribution channel. Think […]

Describe the opportunities available to the Christian for service. Are there opportunities to speak?

THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS GOVERNMENT Write a report describing the different ways a Christian can become involved in politics. ​Using the Internet, encyclopedias, or other research materials, write a 500-word report on two different ways that a Christian can become involved in politics. For example, you may choose a specific organization that is politically active. […]

Provide logical support for how this example is in line with the communication concept.

1) Briefly review all the major sections of a research article (rationale, methods, results and discussion) on Interpersonal Deception Theory. The research piece (Human experimental only) must be taken from a communication journal (or related field) and cited using APA style (in-text and reference page). 2) Provide a mass media example of this “concept” in […]