Which of these strategies would help prevent a similar event from occurring at the hospital described in Critical Concept 8.2?

Discussion Board Topic: Read the description of the wrong-site surgery event in Critical Concept 8.2 and the root causes identified by the team who conducted the RCA. Conduct an Internet search for risk reduction strategies aimed at preventing wrong-site surgeries. Which of these strategies would help prevent a similar event from occurring at the hospital […]

What are some of the important organizational issues and technology considerations relating to e-Selection?

Week 2 HRIS Based on our reading material, what are the two most interesting benefits that you learned about e-Recruiting? What are some of the important organizational issues and technology considerations relating to e-Selection? Also, what are the potential unintended or dysfunctional consequences of e-Recruiting and e-Selection? In responding to the second question, you can […]

Why-how has human resources changed due to the technology revolution? If you were asked to define HRIS, what would be your response?

Why and how has human resources changed due to the technology revolution? If you were asked to define HRIS, what would be your response? To help develop your response, you will want to search the Internet or our library for some of the technologies that have changed the technology in HR over the last 50 […]

What are the potential adverse impacts that might affect the results of such tests of cognitive ability?

Evaluating Tests of General Cognitive Ability Much controversy exists about using tests of general cognitive ability in the workplace to assess an individual’s ability to excel in a particular job. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using tests of general cognitive ability to determine which individual is best suited for a particular job or which […]

Discuss what are the disadvantages of the Internet to(i)the business person,(ii)an organization,(iii)a nation and (iv) a global society?

TheconflictbetweentheoldandthenewPeople’sRepublicofOrica’s(PRO’s)attempttomodernizeeconomically,whileatthesametimepreventthedevelopmentofpoliticalfreedomandhumanrights,isstrikinglyevidentinherresponsetoworld’smostsignificantdevelopmentincommunicationstechnology – the world wide web.AccesstotheWorldWideWebfirstbecameavailabletoPROin1996.Bytheturnofthecentury,PROhadover100millionwebusers.Withapopulationof500million,projectionssuggestthatthenumberofwebuserscouldeasilysurpass250millionby2025,approximatelythesizeoftheUSpopulation.Thiswill certainly make PRO the second largest user after China.RecognizingthatanexplosionofwebusecouldverywellbeamajorthreattoPROgovernment’srule,thegovernmenthasbeenmakinggreateffortstocensorandrestrictit.Thegovernmenthadsetupfirewalls,systemsthatpreventaccesstowebpagesthatthegovernmentauthoritiesdonotwantherpeopletosee.Theobviousforbiddenpagesarethosedealingwithdemocracy,internationalchatlinesand forums, pornography sites and the like.InSpring2016,ZooKai.com,aRohnertParkbasedwebcompany,wonpermissionfromthePROtoextenditsservicestoPRO.However,theconditionwas,ZookaiwouldnotofferaccesstoanypagesthePROgovernmentauthoritieswouldnotapprove.NotlongafterZookaibeganoperationsinPRO,criesinthewestbegantointensifybecauseZookaihadessentiallymadeitselfapartytocensorship,offendingthebasicprincipleoffreedomofinformation.CriticismspromptlyrockedthetopmanagementofZookai. Opinions on whether Zookai should withdraw from PRO are divided.Note: Both PRO and Zookai.com are made-up names, they do not exist in reality Question 1: Ingeneral,what are the benefits of the Internet to (i)the […]

Discuss the term host as it applies to devices connected to the Internet. When you use a laptop to connect to the Internet, is it a host? Why or why not. When you use the Internet, are you a host? Why or why not?

1. Discuss the term host as it applies to devices connected to the Internet. When you use a laptop to connect to the Internet, is it a host? Why or why not. When you use the Internet, are you a host? Why or why not? 2. What continuing changes in the Internet are contributing to […]

re these interfaces of which you’re remain, that are more like invisible infrastructures?What does culture have to do with interfaces?Discuss

Hi, this is an advanced readings response about internet as interface in internet studies. Please read the attached (5) readings and instructions and answer the following questions in reference to the readings with page numbers in sources: Questions: (1) Who and/or what interfaces? How these agents/actors/things interface? (2) Are these interfaces of which you’re remain, […]

Is the internet making us smarter–or dumber?Discuss

Is the internet making us smarter–or dumber? Paper instructions Requirements Each essay should be 1,000+ words (about 3 typed, double-spaced pages) Discuss 2+ sources Discuss at least one literary reading and one nonfiction reading Use MLA Style throughout, including in-text citations and a Works Cited page Options (if they help you develop your argument) Discuss […]