How does the organization that you work (I work for AT&T) for use the Internet to promote itself or connect with those it serves?

Businesses have scrambled in recent years to use the Internet to promote their products and services, deliver support and connect with customers. How does the organization that you work (I work for AT&T) for use the Internet to promote itself or connect with those it serves? • Does your organization have a website? • Use […]

Write a paper that examines how the evolution of the Internet has changed the world in which we live. For example, you may wish to consider how the Internet has changed education and transformed the classroom. Or, you may wish to examine how governments use the Internet to collect or deliver data, or allow you to interact with specific agencies, i.e. the IRS and filing taxes.

Write a short 3 page paper that examines how the evolution of the Internet has changed the world in which we live. For example, you may wish to consider how the Internet has changed education and transformed the classroom. Or, you may wish to examine how governments use the Internet to collect or deliver data, […]

Explain the issues regarding law enforcement’s use of the FISA court is blurring the lines between the intelligence gathering efforts of domestic and international terrorist groups.

1. Explain the issues regarding law enforcement’s use of the FISA court is blurring the lines between the intelligence gathering efforts of domestic and international terrorist groups. 2. Describe the various research finding regarding the differences between lone-wolf and leaderless terrorists, and whether their behavior may be directly influenced by their mental condition. 3. Explain […]

Discuss:Should anyone be allowed to use any copyrighted work without permission and/or compensation from the copyright holder?

Should anyone be allowed to use any copyrighted work without permission and/or compensation from the copyright holder? How do you know a work is copyrighted? If it is, how do you get permission to use it? What are the ramifications of using a copyrighted work? How can you protect your own work so it is […]

Identify the procedure that can be taken to have the blog removed.

1. Describe a potential blog that includes information that is not true. Please note: The blog scenario does not have to come from an actual blog on the internet. The scenario can be created by the student but must be realistic. 2. Identify the procedure that can be taken to have the blog removed. 3. […]

What is the difference between scientific and non-scientific knowledge? How are you able to determine if what you heard was scientific or non-scientific knowledge? Did the information that you read, saw, or heard convince you of the argument?

There is a difference between scientific and non-scientific knowledge. You will need to watch, listen, or read the news from whatever source you choose (TV, internet, radio). Pay attention to the conversation or what you are reading and focus on when the article, commentators, or guests use statistics or facts in their argument. Is what […]