How has your current or previous organization complied with Bart’s recommendations? If the company was not or is not complying, explain how they have addressed ethics.

Discussion Overview Ethics prescribes expected behavioral norms for employees, and often the vendors and suppliers. The company’s ethics are often communicated in the form of a code of conduct that is usually available on the organization’s website. You will do some reading and research to see how ethics impacts motivation and an organization’s culture. Topic: […]

What are your roles and responsibilities during a planned change initiative as both a leader and OD practitioner within Heavy WorX?

Discussion1A As director of change management for Heavy WorX, this is your first role as a member of an executive team and as a leader who is tasked to bring needed change to an organization. Your peers welcome you to the team but express apprehension with regard to new initiatives or programs, citing that the […]

Do you feel that everyone everywhere should have access to computers and the Internet, regardless of location, need, competency, or ability to pay?

Discussion on Digital Divide According to many, the digital world is being divided into ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ – between those that have access and can use a computer and the Internet, and those that do not have such access. Some believe that this creates serious ethical implications and that there is a moral obligation […]

What is the challenge facing the monetary policy of the United States-Why is it a problem-Is there a resolution?

Article Review and Analysis 3 Find an article (no older than 1 year) on the Internet, which adheres to the following requirements. First, the article must discuss U.S. monetary policy. Second, the article must involve a current event, which is normally not a problem if the article was published within the last year and is […]

How do you think these auto companies could effectively use business process engineering tools such as total quality management (TQM) and Sigma Six quality programs to reduce defects?

Reaction paper Respond to the following questions.  In recent years, major auto companies have had to recall millions of cars because of defects. Use the Internet to determine the reasons for these quality problems. How do you think these auto companies could effectively use business process engineering tools such as total quality management (TQM) and […]

What impact, if any, has the internet had upon foreign policy-making?; Are liberal interventionism and humanitarian foreign policy initiatives now discredited?

What impact, if any, has the internet had upon foreign policy-making?; Are liberal interventionism and humanitarian foreign policy initiatives now discredited?

Does it appear that his estate was properly protected for his heirs? Why or why not?

208 Week 14 Discussion Post your answer to the questions below. Postings should be at least 1 – 2 complete paragraphs including in-depth content that demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter. Be sure to use correct grammar and spelling. • Rock star, Prince, passed away in early 2016. Investigate public information available on the internet […]

Describe a leader whom you have seen use such behaviors and skills, or a situation where you have seen these behaviors and skills used in practice.

Discussion 1: Leadership Theories in Practice A walk through the Business section of any bookstore or a quick Internet search on the topic will reveal a seemingly endless supply of writings on leadership. Formal research literature is also teeming with volumes on the subject. However, your own observation and experiences may suggest these theories are […]

What topics from the world of Psychology are important in the marketplace? Give us no less than three topics that come from the world of Psychology, that if we learn them and master them, we can get and achieve more.

What is Psychology? What is Human Relations? What is Business Psychology? If Psychology is all around us, and we believe that knowledge (and possibly mastery) of these psychological topics can help us get and achieve More, then what is it and how do we get it? Our Discussion this week will focus on how Applied […]