What is the most important single piece of knowledge you have gained during this experience?

Self Reflection The Self-Reflection will reflect upon your experiences at your employment site during this internship course and what you have learned. Include how these experiences may have furthered your career or caused you to rethink your career goals. Your work should include your experiences, observations, and the key concepts based on the internship and […]

What are the activities and tasks given to you during this month?

Report Internship MGT430 (Report Components) Task(s) What are the activities and tasks given to you during this month?   New skill(s) What skills did you learn through the month?   Meeting(s) How many meetings did you attend?   Difficulty/ Challenge(s) What are the difficulties you had this month?   How did you overcome these difficulties? […]

What are the benefits of the international internship program to the interns and to the organization?

Unit 2 – Discussion Board BC The Chairwoman of the Board of Directors has selected you to lead the effort to create an international internship program for your organization. You will be leading a cross-cultural virtual team, including the vice president (VP) of human resources and department heads from all areas of the organization from […]

Describe the work place culture, environment or atmosphere in your own words using three or more authentic examples drawn your internship experience so far.

Internship Describe the Company Size (year established,  of employees, net profits or units served, etc.): Clientele or Audience Served: Internship Site Description – Describe the work place culture, environment or atmosphere in your own words using three or more authentic examples drawn your internship experience so far. Be very specific in each example about what […]

What was your impression of the event as a whole? Thought that the event was pretty cool and a great way for me to connect with business people and learn about their companies.

Career fair Reflection Use summaries from the career fair that is attached and the answers below to write a reflection of 200-word minimum. What was your impression of the event as a whole? Thought that the event was pretty cool and a great way for me to connect with business people and learn about their […]

Identify-describe the most challenging component of your internship and what strategies you have used to overcome those difficulties.

Reflection Identify and describe your most valuable experiences during the first phase of your internship. Identify and describe the most challenging component of your internship and what strategies you have used to overcome those difficulties. Share concerns or roadblocks that exist in your internship, if any. Describe what have you learned about leadership from observing […]

What is the problem that you will help the company solve during your internship? What are you going to bring to the company that is concrete?Explain

Presentation of the research question / problem to be solved in the internship Explanation of the purpose of the internship report. What is the problem that you will help the company solve during your internship? What are you going to bring to the company that is concrete?

Growth-oriented topic:Describe the work you have done during the 10-week internship.

QUESTION – Growth-oriented topic: In this part, the students are expected to describe the work they have done during the 10-week internship. The expectation for this section is that there is a combination of literature review and application of the theory within the practical setting. The type of growth-oriented topic will vary according to the […]

Which course and class did you find helpful for your internship? How and why did you apply what you’ve learned?

What was achieved, what did you learn? What was difficult during the internship? What are your next steps after working at the company? Which course and class did you find helpful for your internship? How and why did you apply what you’ve learned? How will this internship impact your academic learning? Give me an example […]

Discuss why you chose this internship; who you worked with; who you met; what you liked/disliked about the internship; what you learned; your accomplishments; challenges; and what skills you will carry with you in the future, etc.

Communication classes/concepts I applied: Social Media class, Advertising class 1 page summary of your internship: This should be typed and double-spaced and provide an overview of your internship experience. Specifically, it should address total number of hours completed, when you completed the target of 135 hours, and what communication classes/concepts you applied while doing the […]