Write a 3-page letter to a family member or friend to inform them of the experiences of transgender women and how society and various institutions have treated them historically and currently.

Transgender Women 1. Write a 3-page letter to a family member or friend to inform them of the experiences of transgender women and how society and various institutions have treated them historically and currently. 2.Include intersectional analysis to discuss how the group experiences vary 3. Students may choose the format of the letter.

What major trends stuck out to you with regard to race and ethnicity?

Mapping the Trends After reviewing the NCVS document,discuss the following: What major trends stuck out to you with regard to race and ethnicity? What major trends stuck out to you with regard to sex/gender? What major trends stuck out to you with regard to income (i.e., SES)? Discuss one intersectional trend that you found.  

How would studying diversity through the lens of Intersectional Theory give you a better understanding than studying diversity without it?

Intersectionality as Related to Diversity Studies Though Sociologists have long studied race, class, gender, and other categories of identity, those who argue for the merits of Intersectional Theory claim that it offers a distinct advantage in understanding the power of such categories. What do you believe is that advantage? Put in terms of this course, […]

What physical space, financial, child-care, transportation, food or other arrangements will need to be considered?

Group Proposal Section 2- Group Conditions: What physical space, financial, child-care, transportation, food or other arrangements will need to be considered? If necessary, how will you advocate for what you need to run the group? Describe how you will plan for your group sessions. Include an appendix with a sample outline for at least three […]

what exactly is classism and how would you define social class?-Are all perspectives of social class economic in nature, or are there also non-economic examples as well?

Classism what exactly is classism and how would you define social class? Are all perspectives of social class economic in nature, or are there also non-economic examples as well? In what ways can classism “manifest” itself in the workplace (and definitely, share specific examples) And, is there such thing as “reverse” or “inter-class”/”intersectional” classism? Finally, […]