Identify and describe each of the variables (independent and dependent variables for differences or correlational variables for relationship).

EDU-503 Module 4 Discussion: Your Research Question & Type of Research After reviewing order 777153, discuss the following: – State your research question and indicate the type of research that your question lends itself to (descriptive or inferential). – Indicate whether your study will concern itself with differences or relationships. – Identify and describe each […]

Describe the rationale behind the definitions created, and how the adequacy of operational definitions can affect validity and reliability.

Topic: Discrimination in the Workplace Variables and Operational Definitions In order to carry out research, researchers must define variables in terms of the actual procedures that will be used to measure or manipulate them. Operational definitions provide details regarding the procedures needed to measure a variable and if written precisely, can increase the measurement’s reliability […]

How many mentally ill patients return to the hospital for the same medical illness or similar illness because their undiagnosis mental illness.

Explain in detail how you will go about analyzing your data. Be sure to: Include definitions of all variables Identify your null hypothesis and research hypothesis Include the type of analysis to be conducted (correlation, t-test, confidence interval, regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA, etc.) Explain why this type of analysis is most appropriate for your research Identify […]

Is the company’s claimed mean inside your confidence interval?Explain.

For this Assignment, you are working at a firm that conducts independent testing for heavy industry. Recently, an automobile manufacturer has been in the news for complaints about the highway gas mileage of their latest model minivan. You receive a contract from a consumer action group to test and write a report on the company’s […]