What type of evidence produced through quantitative research would be helpful to better understand the selected practice issue?

WEEK 3 NR-505 Discussion assignments. In addition, consider the intervention that you proposed to improve the issue. With both the issue and the intervention in mind, respond to the following: What type of evidence produced through quantitative research would be helpful to better understand the selected practice issue? How might quantitative research findings shape your […]

What is the nursing practice concern or problem and whom does it affect?

WEEK 5 NR505 PICOT WORKSHEET ASSIGNMENT Assignment Overview Review the elements included in a PICOT statement to guide evidence-based nursing practice. Consider various problems that impact nursing practice, health or organizational outcomes. You are welcome to consider a specific issue that is interest to you professionally, or an issue that impacts your future MSN role. […]

Can you further explain this – how does the model do this-Also, how will the two models in the PICOT statement help the patient? It seems the intervention would be referral to a counselor or provider compared to doing nothing. Thoughts?

Discussion Carol, interesting post. You mention that “the Iowa model allows patients from low-income families to access critical medical services despite rising costs”. Can you further explain this – how does the model do this? Also, how will the two models in the PICOT statement help the patient? It seems the intervention would be referral […]

Identify some of the potential indicators for individual who are at risk to commit suicide in correctional facilities.

Identify some of the potential indicators for individual who are at risk to commit suicide in correctional facilities. In your paper include the following information: 1.) Prevention strategies that correctional organizations and staff and implement. 2.) Research an in-custody act of suicide and critique the intervention process. 3.) The basic rules for College Papers  

Do they promote anything else that makes them important to consider? Is the intervention of the courts misguided?

Trusts of the family home “Considerations such as the nature of the relationship between two parties are not relevant to the question of their proprietary holdings, nor should they be, especially when it comes to the family home. Such considerations don’t promote autonomy. Moreover, the intervention of Courts in such considerations is institutionally misguided.” To […]

What supports should be provided for classroom teachers who have no special education training when working with children with disabilities or behavior problems?

Chapter 5 Reading Questions Thoughtfully respond in writing to the following questions: Define the transactional theory of development and provide an example. Summarize at least three of the types and sources of individual differences among children? Which individual differences have you experienced? Describe the Response to Intervention AND Recognition and Response models and describe how […]

Explain the importance of a “spirit of inquiry” in an evidence-based culture and what you can do as an advanced registered nurse to encourage this within your practice-organization.

590 DQ1 DQ1-Based on the PICOT you developed for NUR-550, summarize the intervention you are proposing. How does this support the population of focus, your setting, and role? Justify how the problem you selected to investigate is amenable to a research-based intervention using the PICOT format. Include your PICOT statement with your response. 1DQ2-Explain the […]

Which County needs the most preventative intervention as it pertains to cancer incidence rates-Why?

Top of Form Using the lists below, write 1-2 pages interpreting the data. In your interpretation, answer the following questions: Which County data would you consider the most reliable? Why? What about the least reliable data, and why? Which County needs the most preventative intervention as it pertains to cancer incidence rates? Why? What additional […]

Discuss how to integrate appropriate information-communication technologies for the clinical preventative intervention in DQ 1 to improve nursing practice-care delivery for individuals-populations.

550-Topic 6: Quality Improvement Initiatives And Clinical Prevention Intervention 6DQ1 Evaluate a clinical preventative intervention designed to promote health and wellness for populations. Summarize the intervention and explain whether it has been successful. You will use the clinical preventative intervention you select for DQ2. 6DQ2 Discuss how to integrate appropriate information and communication technologies for […]

Explain why it is important to focus on the children with special educational needs-disability,

Problem based assignment psychology in education In Pine Hill High School the headteacher is concerned that rates of bullying are increasing. The headteacher is aware of research that highlights the risk that children with special educational needs and disabilities are more likely to be involved in bullying. You have been invited to develop an intervention […]