Evaluate Dave Ellis proposal to cancel the dividend with respect to the implication for investors with reference to Modigliani and Miller

Write a Report addressed to Dave Ellis that: a) Discusses the way in which Autotrader raised £200m of finance and compare this with other methods available. b) Consider the mitigation of the impact of COVID to • working capital and short term finance • Medium and Long Term Finance c) Evaluate Dave Ellis proposal to […]

What do these ratios tell you about how investors value these two companies’ future prospects?

Although Financial Ratio Analysis has limitations, it is a great tool to find the problematic areas in the company so that managers can go back and address the problems. One of the limitations is differences in accounting standards around the world that can distort financial ratios. Select two publicly traded US companies listed on the […]

Provide a general description of an institute’s or university’s offering, its investment criteria, and the contact information in your response. Discuss if the institute or organization targets a specific industry.

The most popular source of capital for new ventures is private investors; these investors are called angels and are typically people the entrepreneur knows or has met through business acquaintances. Today many angels have joined forces to create large pools of capital called angel networks. Perform research to find at least four (4) angel networks […]