Identify and describe the effects that you will have as an advanced practice nurse in terms of healthcare industry and patient outcomes.

Description Select and describe an Advanced Nurse Practitioner role. Why are you becoming a Nurse Practitioner? Find one research article, expert opinion about the Nurse Practitioner role and summarize the article. What does the Institute Of Medicine (IOM) say about the need of Nurse Practitioners? Identify and describe the effects that you will have as […]

Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health‐illness continuum.

Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice. Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN‐prepared nurses. Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the […]

Discuss the role of state-based action coalitions. Explain how these coalitions help advance the goals specified in the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”

Description Review the IOM report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” and explore the “Campaign for Action: State Action Coalition” website. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss the influence the IOM report and state-based action coalitions have had on nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing workforce development, and how they continue to advance […]