What additional information might you want to have about the competitors and/or about the marketplace?

Comparing Smartphones (A) ⦁ Do you think the iPhone is well positioned with respect to its competitors? Which competitors should the iPhone be the most concerned about, and why? ⦁ What additional information might you want to have about the competitors and/or about the marketplace? ⦁ What factors accounting for the iPhone’s continued success are […]

What are the ethical (or unethical) activities that Apple has been engaged in, either directly or indirectly? How do you think Apple has handled the various ethical issues that it has faced in the past?

1.What are the ethical (or unethical) activities that Apple has been engaged in, either directly or indirectly? How do you think Apple has handled the various ethical issues that it has faced in the past? 2.Explain how Apple’s philosophy and organizational culture have impacted how it handles ethical decisions. 3.Apple won first place as the […]