What was the role of conflict between American/British/multi-national corporate interests and the nationalization of resources in the overthrows?

Comparing the Cold war in Iran and Guatemala Read both the required Overthrow chapter on Iran (Ch 5) and the additional chapter on Guatemala (Ch 6) 2. Choose from the following prompts below and compare and contrast the Cold War overthrows of democratic leaders in both places. What was the role of conflict between American/British/multi-national […]

Analyze and explain the current US Administrations policies towards IRAN which must include the assassination of Suleimani, withdrawing from the JCPA, and reinstating sanctions.Use an International Relation Theory, REALISM

Topic: Use an International Relation Theory, REALISM, to analyze and explain the current US Administrations policies towards IRAN which must include the assassination of Suleimani, withdrawing from the JCPA, and reinstating sanctions