Differentiate between conventional insurance and takaful system focusing on the three elements that makes the conventional insurance (haram) prohibited under Islam laws.

Assignment Question(s): Q1. Visit the following website for SAMA (https://www.sama.gov.sa/en-US/FAQs/Pages/InsuranceFAQs.aspx). Summarize its content in your own words and compare it to Insurance Laws you studied the course. (Marks 8) Q2. Differentiate between conventional insurance and takaful system focusing on the three elements that makes the conventional insurance (haram) prohibited under Islam laws. (7 Marks) Takaful […]

What do Hindus mean when they say, “Truth does not come to the individual; it already resides within each of us”?

ETHICS AND HINDUISM What is meant by the phrase “Islam is a complete way of life”? What are some examples that would validate the truth of this assertion? What do Hindus mean when they say, “Truth does not come to the individual; it already resides within each of us”? What in Buddhist philosophy led Buddha […]

Does the lack of religious icons take away from the spiritual experience?

As stated in Chapter 7, many religions do not have images of God or any holy person. Instead, some religions, such as Islam, places of worship are adorned with decorative, abstract patterns rather than realistic representations of their deity/deities. Does the lack of religious icons take away from the spiritual experience? Why or why not? […]

What was the impact of Islam on our society-Islam gave the message of universal brotherhood, introduced equality in society, and rejected the caste system and untouchability.

Write an 850–1000-word essay in response to the following question: “The 2021 census has revealed Australia is more culturally and religiously diverse than ever. The communities we live in are growing in diversity. Our neighbourhoods are made up of people of different cultures languages and beliefs Analyze how studying and understanding world religions within schools, […]

Briefly describe the religion in question before describing your experience.

Islam This report should be 4-6 pages in length (typed, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font or equivalent). This report should very briefly describe the religion in question before describing your experience. It should include the major features mentioned above, but also mention passages in the textbook that present or explain these observations about […]

Discuss.In what five ways is Deism different from religions like Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, or Islam?

By this point in the course, we have studied two major “periods of time” (if we want to refer to them as such) in American Literature. We have studied the Puritans and the age of Enlightenment. Both of these “eras” are very important in identifying the American Identity. Choose one of the the topics below […]

Explain What are the central assumptions for each worldview/religion? How are they similar? How do they differ?

In light of your reading in Sire, write a 3 page paper comparing/contrasting Christianity and Islam. What are the central assumptions for each worldview/religion? How are they similar? How do they differ? This paper is informal, meaning that it does not require additional sources. ONLY USE ATTACHED SOURCE: The Universe Next Door. James Sire.

Explain,Our readings put the KKK and White Nationalists in the same group like the Black Panther and the Nation of Islam. Is this a fair comparison? Are both groups trying to achieve the same goals? Can it work? Why or why not?

You are responsible for writing a 3 page, double-spaced “Opinion” paper in 12 font on this issue. We have seen Left/Right Wing and Separatist groups rearing their ugly heads in America. California with 77, Florida 58, and Texas 57 are leading the way. Between 2008 and 2015 the number of Hate Groups increased from 149 […]