What is the purpose of hate/bias crime data collection-What is the scope of hate crime nationally-What did a task force of the Crime Victims Center find in regards to the underreporting of crime by victims of hate crimes?

The hate/bias crime problem. Define the term “hate crime”. What is the purpose of hate/bias crime data collection? What is the scope of hate crime nationally? What did a task force of the Crime Victims Center find in regards to the underreporting of crime by victims of hate crimes? (34 points) 2. Anti-Arab/Muslim Victimization. Discuss […]

Are anti-immigration party voters in France influenced by anti-immigration views-is it just ignorant and veiled anti-islamist views?

Instructions: approximately 500 words introducing 1. The topic, 2. Research puzzle or research question that will guide your research on the chosen topic 3. Reason why your research question is relevant and worth researching. Find Ideas or inspiration in facts, data, and discussions in class. Research question: Are anti-immigration party voters in France influenced by […]

Explainwhat are the fundamental ways these bias are created and what kinds of impact do they have on us? examine your own perspectives and share your thoughts as you listen to her presentation.

Paper details: listen to how Islamophobia is designed and spread — what are the fundamental ways these bias are created and what kinds of impact do they have on us? examine your own perspectives and share your thoughts as you listen to her presentation.