What is the issue/problem? Open with a quote, stat, or an interesting fact to catch reader’s attention and establish context of persuasion (this can wait until later on in the drafting process).

Paper details: CLASSICAL ARGUMENT ESSAY The purpose of this handout is to help you draft the final essay in the course: A Classical Argument. You may fill in the blanks. Remember the following: Audience Peers with an opposite or indifferent viewpoint than yours Purpose To convince and persuade with ethical/logical means Subject Issue that is […]

Explain at least two clear arguable sides to the issue. ii. Explain how the issue relates to your field or degree, or your potential field or degree.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 1. Identify two issues that are related to your career or degree: a. Write a fully developed paragraph for issue one (5–8 sentences). i. Explain at least two clear arguable sides to the issue. ii. Explain how the issue relates to your field or degree, or your […]

Create a case study and choose an issue commonly faced by an adolescent of 15 years of age. For example, an issue may be one of the following or something else that you and your lecturer agree upon.

Paper details: As a counsellor, you are to create a case study and choose an issue commonly faced by an adolescent of 15 years of age. For example, an issue may be one of the following or something else that you and your lecturer agree upon. For example, issues could include gaming addiction, gambling, drug […]

Discuss How are facilities dealing with the issue now?,In your opinion, how should they be dealing with the issue? What are the pros and cons of each side of the debate?

Attached is the Intro of the paper. Below is the details for this week’s paper addition Week 4 you will add more details that evaluate the assessment of the issue and address the following in 500-words adhering to APA guidelines: Literature Review: Include at least three sources of literature pertaining to your topic How are […]

Clearly explain how it has arisen and why it is an issue for business.

Item Parag order Purpose is to: Detail References? Length (suggestions only) Check complete Introduction 1 Explain what is contained in the report. Format report style can be used if desired. Use the third person – “This project will….” No 150 – 200 words Discussion 2 Introduce the “big issue” Define the issue. Clearly explain how […]