Evaluate perimeter defences and deploy appropriate solution. Synthesize the firewall rules-based Traffic type, ingress, egress and action (deny or allow).

Using the Carbanak cyber gang presentation in Moodle (week-12): A) In a group assigned by the lecturer protect a new community bank (C2-17). This is a fresh start-up and is a greenfield site. You will be given elements of the network and must come up with a design – and present it to the rest […]

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Topic : Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Provide descriptive information regarding the architectural model graphic, and the details describing the devices, applications, Cloud/Server environment and gateway.

Provide an introduction to the paper concerning the purpose of the graphic and the overall solution being recommended by the asset tracking IoT implementation (2-3 paragraphs). Provide descriptive information regarding the architectural model graphic, and the details describing the devices, applications, Cloud/Server environment and gateway. (2 pages) Provide the architectural graphic with the components below […]

Navigate around each Linux system demonstrating the apps that came with the system. Try launch a browser in each window. Can you connect to the Internet?

1. Download the Oracle Virtual Box from this URL: 2. Download the DamnSmall Linux operating system software from this URL: 3. Download the TinyCore Linux operating system software from this URL: 4. Install the Oracle Virtual Box software and create a base configuration. Watch this video on how to install: 5. Next install the first […]

What went well when the participant interacted with your interface? What was clear in your interface? What went poorly when the participant interacted with your interface? What was unclear in your interface?Discuss

screen shots of your interface and link to Figma prototype tested a summary of the task you asked the participant to perform a summary of the participant’s feedback. We expect you to only collect qualitative data. You can use the Qualitative data prompts from this resource as a guide (Links to an external site.). We […]

Write a program that uses a For-loop to sum the N first odd numbers greater than 30, i.e. the sum: S = 31 + 33 + 35 +. . . + (31 + 2 · (N − 1)), where N> 0 is a positive integer and the last number in the sum is (31 + 2 · (N − 1)).

Task 1 (For and While -loop) A) Write a program that uses a For-loop to sum the N first odd numbers greater than 30, i.e. the sum: S = 31 + 33 + 35 +. . . + (31 + 2 · (N − 1)), where N> 0 is a positive integer and the last […]

Evaluate computer security elements necessary to address CIA of computer security, latest cyber security challenges and its countermeasures, recommendation of framework for a given problem and provide understanding of user access control management to strengthen computer security in the context of given scenario.

Description The task requires a report providing critical evaluation of computer security elements necessary to address CIA of computer security, latest cyber security challenges and its countermeasures, recommendation of framework for a given problem and provide understanding of user access control management to strengthen computer security in the context of given scenario.

Discuss disaster events impacting an central IT department serving a global organisations. The mitigation strategies will cover Technology, Building, People and Vendors.

Description Produce well researched best practice IT strategies to mitigate against the attached (and some) disaster events impacting an central IT department serving a global organisations. The mitigation strategies will cover Technology, Building, People and Vendors. Please, see attached file for full paper requirements to ensure best writer fit. Thank you.

Write a test program that prompts the user to enter a number and its width and displays a string returned by invoking format (number, width, res).

Write a C++ function with the following header to format the integer with the specified width. Void format(int number, int width, char [] res) The function returns a string (res) for the number with one or more prefix 0s. The size of the string is the width. For example, format(34, 4, res) returns res as […]