Are there circumstances in which evidence-based management might not be the best approach?

 Facts and Half- Truths Do you think evidence-based management seems like common sense? If so, why wasn’t it advocated earlier? Are there circumstances in which evidence-based management might not be the best approach? Could automated evidence-based management ever replace human decision makers? Why or why not? Would you want to work under Jack Welch’s system […]

Provides the specific outcome of using each quality/strategy/theory. Clearly identifies one additional Biblical leadership quality/strategy/theory not discussed in the case that Welch could have utilized.

GE’S TWO-DECADE TRANSFORMATION: JACK WELCH – Evaluate Leadership Decisions 1. Clearly identifies three leadership qualities/strategies/ theories utilized by the primary leader when making decisions. 2. Provides the specific outcome of using each quality/strategy/theory. Clearly identifies one additional Biblical leadership quality/strategy/theory not discussed in the case that Welch could have utilized. 3.Provides the anticipated outcome of […]