Provide an introduction that explains the source of some of the issues and be sure to state the intended outcome of the plan including business results.

The firm’s newest large outlet in Japan is located in Tokyo, Japan. Although the store has enormous potential, the salespeople (comprised of both Americans and Japanese) are not working together well and the negative attitudes of some team members are bringing others down and hindering team performance. Develop an employee motivation plan for this group, […]

What products and services are still centered in the United States-should they be considered very critical to keep in the United States?

This assignment will require you to conduct research within the textbook and external research to help support your points. This is not an opinion based assignments – it is based on analysis of what you find in your research. Your points should be properly supported from the sources you used within your work and referenced […]

What do you think were the five most important people, events, developments, etc. in East Asian history during the time period covered in this course?

What do you think were the five most important people, events, developments, etc. in East Asian history during the time period covered in this course? Prioritize your five choices, explain why you picked each, and why you placed them in the order that you did. The attached PDF’s are some of the main source documents […]

What in the process of committing the catastrophe to history, has the government officially recorded-what has it chosen to forget?

Last Paper Watch the video(Crisis as Narrative – The 2011 Tohoku triple disaster) and write the paper following the prompt. Also, use outside resources if needed. ( Prompt: How has the 3.11 disaster been conceived of and memorialized? What, in the process of committing the catastrophe to history, has the government officially recorded and what […]

Compare how rapid economic growth in Japan-the United States after world war two affected the mate selection process in the 1950s to 1960s for both countries?

Compare how rapid economic growth in Japan and the United States after world war two affected the mate selection process in the 1950s to 1960s for both countries? Included how it changed courtship, dating customs, and marriage for both countries. Include specific examples.

Identify-briefly explain three factors which contributed to the rise of Fascism in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s.

Assignment # 11 Chapter 25 pages 649-659 Answer these questions in as much detail as possible. 1. Identify and briefly explain three factors which contributed to the rise of Fascism in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s. 2. Identify and explain three ways in which the financial reparations placed on Germany following the end of […]

How might life in Japan have changed between the earlier photograph and the one that was taken later in time?

Comparative Analysis 1. SELECT. Select two photographs appearing in the lectures listed below. Do not choose photographs from the same lecture.Recommend that you select photographs that share something in common but differ dramatically in other ways. For example, you might select two landscape photographs, but one is a fantasy and the other is a war […]

Evaluate, within the English Law context, the nature of a floating charge and whether it continues to be a useful means of protection for a company’s creditor.

Description Question 1 The UK corporate governance system regulates purposefully the duties and powers of directors in relation to shareholders, the corporate entity itself and wider stakeholders. Referring to the provisions in the Companies Act 2006 and relevant corporate governance codes, examine the effectiveness and limitations of the current system. Include in your examination a […]

Discuss In what ways do the characteristics of the Japanese business system have created barriers for multinational companies from foreign countries to do business (or to invest) in Japan?

In what ways do the characteristics of the Japanese business system have created barriers for multinational companies from foreign countries to do business (or to invest) in Japan? Support your arguments with examples. Useful readings, Guidance and presntation related to the topic are attached below