What are yokai and how does Foster’s explanation of Japanese “monsters” match or clash with your understanding of the world?

Topic: Medieval monsters After these readings How do you interpret “fear” as an analytical category for historical study? What are yokai and how does Foster’s explanation of Japanese “monsters” match or clash with your understanding of the world? Readings: Michael Foster, Introducing Yokai Fear and Anxiety: Writing about Emotion in Modern History Author(s): Joanna Bourke […]

Identify some significant perspectives on the global impact of World War II that Halloran’s short video brings to light.

Background to Historical Context of the Second World War (1939-1945). Fascination with World War II is widespread in the United States. It is a common topic on the History Channel and at the movies. Many families have stories from their elders about wartime service. Ask your elders soon about World War II because those who […]

Discuss the effect of World War II on the American home front-Conclude your analysis with an explanation of the use of the atomic bomb against Japan and the repercussions of that decision.

World War II Home Front Video Reflection Create a paper that describes the course of events in the Pacific during World War II, from Pearl Harbor to the Japanese surrender. Discuss the effect of World War II on the American home front. Note the war’s effect on women, African Americans, Mexican Americans, workers, farmers, Native […]

How can Japanese governments allocate their money in digital technology to support their communities during COVID 19?

How can Japanese governments allocate their money in digital technology to support their communities during COVID 19? Include: Intro: Introduce the poor digital technology support in Japan during COVID 19 Paragraph 1: The problem of disinformation. Japan should add an agency for Fighting disinformation (EU is working on that) Paragraph 2: Unavailability of technology for […]

Do you think it’s true that most children need individualistic stories to relate to-can they get equally engaged in stories about a community? Why-why not?

Critical Summary and Literary Analysis Position yourself within the critical debate concerning the value of Naomi’s Road as a text for educating children about history. Be sure to answer both of the questions below: In your opinion, does Naomi’s Road dehistoricize Naomi’s story and shift the focus from a collective Japanese Canadian experience to an […]

What would you suggest to dismantle the Model Minority Myth for Asian Americans?

Multiple Choice Questions 1. Reflect on all the years of experience you have in education. How much time do you recall spending in school or college so far learning about Asian Pacific Americans, Chinese and Japanese American History? What did you learn? How were Asian Pacific Americans, Chinese and Japanese American people portrayed? Explain in […]

What factors have led to Japan’s electronics companies to lose their competitiveness against their international counterparts? Explain.

Must answer the following questions from case study article- use “related course materials” as guide/reference 1) What factors have led to Japan’s electronics companies to lose their competitiveness against their international counterparts? Explain. 2) How has Samsung risen from an obscure South Korean company, to a global, dominant force in the electronics industry? In other […]

What modes of communication seem most effective in managing people? Provide examples; for instance, would texting the terms of a new contract be the best way to communicate with a 60-year-old Japanese customer?

Diversity, Inclusion, and Communication Discussion 4: Diversity, Inclusion and Communication WK 9-10 Must post first. Sometimes when we are in school learning advanced concepts, things can seem a bit abstract until we are able to see or experience concrete examples. The link below is a short talk by Ricardo Fernandez, a Spaniard, who leads a […]

Provide an introduction that explains the source of some of the issues and be sure to state the intended outcofktme of the plan including business results.

Topic: Unit 3 IP IM&L Paper details: The firm’s newest large outlet in Japan is located in Tokyo, Japan. Although the store has enormous potential, the salespeople (comprised of both Americans and Japanese) are not working together well and the negative attitudes of some team members are bringing others down and hindering team performance. Develop […]