Develop an issue related to but not duplicating the course material (Japanese art from the Jomon period to the 18th century)

Topic: Of your own choosing. You should develop an issue related to but not duplicating the course material (Japanese art from the Jomon period to the 18th century) and submit the paper proposal (100-150 words) and your working bibliography (at least 3 sources) by November 24. The topic may be changed or developed as your […]

Identify the chief determinants of Japanese imperialism and explain how and why they changed during the period 1868-1937? word count is -/+ 10percent and includes the footnotes

Description Identify the chief determinants of Japanese imperialism and explain how and why they changed during the period 1868-1937? word count is -/+ 10percent and includes the footnotes – plan attached

How do the films Princess Kaguya and Genji Monogatori (1987) incorporate Heian era culture?Discuss

Your answers should be brief, from 2-3 paragraphs. You do not need to cite or reference any sources, but you do need to show knowledge of the reading. What is a victim’s history? What long cherished Japanese historic traditions does Princess Mononoke challenge? How do the films Princess Kaguya and Genji Monogatori (1987) incorporate Heian […]

Considering the times, were the Japanese internment camps justified? Why? Why not? Explain

Description 1) In the textbook read chapter 23 and the government’s primary source letters in Canvas and answer the following: 2) Considering the times, were the Japanese internment camps justified? Why? Why not? Explain your reasoning. 3) Make sure you cite the two primary source documents in the textbook, background information, and at least one […]

Discuss:Is this cultural appropriation? Are they stealing the Chicano traditions or are they honoring it? The people in the images below are all Japanese in Japan.

Discussion #2: Japanese acting like Chicanos – Is this cultural appropriation? Due Sept 10th – Zoom Discussion No unread replies.No replies. Why Japanese Women Are Dressing Like Chicanas | Style Out There | Refinery29 (Links to an external site.) Why Japanese Women Are Dressing Like Chicanas | Style Out There | Refinery29 Is this cultural […]