What advice or code can you provide to help other students with this activity?

If you incorporate external resources (http://gmcga.libguides.com/periodicals) in your posts be sure to cite (https://gmcga.libguides.com/citationmanagement/APA7th) them properly. Lastly, review how to paraphrase and quote resources before you begin posting (http://gmcga.libguides.com/c.php?g=458&p=996448). Complete Chapter 2, Section 2.4 “Programming Activity 2: Temperature Conversion” from the textbook. Once you have completed it,answer the following questions: 1) What makes a Java […]

Which of the three programming approaches minimizes this problem?

Comparing the Three Approaches What is ODBC? How is it related to SQL/CLI? What is JDBC? Is it an example of embedded SQL or of using function calls?List the three main approaches to database programming. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? What is the impedance mismatch problem? Which of the three programming […]

Create your own Java exception and use it for one of your GUI components to detect and handle an error.

Use the Java Application that you built for the midterm exam to collect and process data. You can download the Java file you submitted for the Midterm Exam in Canvas or use a new version that you have developed. Create SQL database and table to store the data from the components you collect from your […]

What is a professional resource that you would use to help programmers learn more about troubleshooting structures?

How do we know the results of these Java programming calculations are correct? What is the best way to manage large embedded structures in Java? What is a professional resource that you would use to help programmers learn more about troubleshooting structures? Why did you choose this resource? How would a professional programmer use this […]

Why we need to use circular implementation in queues?

Create a Java program that adds the numbers 1 through 50 to a stack called stack1.Then perform the following: Finds all the odd numbers from stack1.Then, push them into a new stack named stack 2. Find and print the prime numbers from stack2. [Note: Provide a screenshot of your code output].   Question two Consider […]

write the sending and receiving transport-layer code for a simple reliable data transfer protocol.

In this programming assignment, you will write the sending and receiving transport-layer code for a simple reliable data transfer protocol. You will implement two different versions: Stop-and-Wait Protocol. Go-Back-N protocol. use Java 7 or 8 and Netbeans 8.0.2 or later are the only requirements the description should be in well-written with clear references to the […]

Analyze the painting titled Flood in Java. Cite and discuss the scientific facts represented and the universal impact of the environmental crisis that is dramatized.

Paper detalis: Painting analysis on the “A Flood On Java” painting by Saleh Raden. Assignment details: Analyze the painting titled Flood in Java. Cite and discuss the scientific facts represented and the universal impact of the environmental crisis that is dramatized.

Describe the major components and potential security issues where appropriate and as related to the security development model.

Description One of the most important steps in software assurance is establishing the processes that are used in the code that will support the security that is required to minimize potential breaches. Static analysis tools and techniques are an important part of this process. These tools are commonly used to examine code to determine the […]